The former American ambassador in Panama has launched a stabbing criticism of Donald Trump towards Latin America, comparing his behavior on that ruthless and egoist fictional mafia boss of Tony Sopran.
In the first month of the Presidency, the president of the United States shocked some observers with his aggressive focus on the region, many expected to greatly ignore. Early steps involved the threatening “Pull” by Panama, accusing Mexico’s government to meet the envoys to meet the Venezuelan dictator, Nicolás Madurom, and clashed with the president of Columbia, through deportation, through deportation.
John Angey, who considered one of the top experts of Latin America State, until he resigned from his job in Panama during Trump’s first term, he said he was horrified, but not surprised by Trump’s strips.
“If you use your psychological paradigm (for Trump) a combination of tony sopranos and thucydides … there should be no surprise to go to America first,” said former ambassador, who said that the former ambassador said An ancient historian who chroniedly bc fight against the fifth century between Athens and Spart.
The feeling believed that the most famous line from Thucydides’s account of that war – “strong do what I can, and weak suffers what they have to” – explained Trump’s plaster-boy.
“(He does it) because he can – because the asymmetry of the American commercial and military authority is so inappropriate in relation to Mexico, Central America, Panama, even Brazil, Argentina. I can’t really do much of others than I think, Some type of mafioso times is very skilled in reading relative power, “said the former diplomat who credited His giving up from 2018. years As Trump had “distorted and betrayed … traditional basic values of the United States”.
“He is a velociraptor … He kills everything he perceives as a threat.”
The feeling did not believe that Trump would not follow the threat of force the channel to Panama if his demands were not fulfilled in the country’s alleged Chinese mixing.
“It’s all stains. He has no voices for it. He was running to the US isolation card … He does not want to keep us in Germany. He does not want to protect Europe. He does not want to send the American blood and die in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. He wants to ‘make America great’.
“His vision” Great America “is America sitting in its sphere of influence, the King of its own castle and exploiting parts of the world for US gains,” said the diplomacy that also served in Colombia, Dominican Republic and Mexico during the 28-year career of the State Department.
They felt praised Panama’s handling of the “non-empting transactional” tactic of the American president, making tactical concessions with the maintenance of channel control.
The former ambassador saw a similar soprano modus in Trump’s engagement with Madurom, which seems to be the US president warmed after failing to collapse during his first administration.
“The mafia doesn’t kill every competitors. He often buys them. He often corrupts them. They often combine them,” Feedy said. “He saw in Madura in a small maphic in the country in the country that he did not care – the country currently in this transaction point must be able to send a bunch of C-17 Globemaster (transport planes) to eject a bunch of Venezuelac and the fittings in order to He could return to his cat base and say, ‘You see, Joe Biden let these diplomas and drug dealers. I kicked them out.’ “
The sense of thought is Trump’s engagement with Madura motivated by their mass deportation campaign, and not a desire to access Venezuela with large oil reserves. “The United States posted record oil and gas products last year … we do not need black gold from the Orinoco belt.”
A striking contract with Madura allowed him to send the deportation of flights to Caracas, and the feeling claimed that Trump issued opposition politicians in the last July presidential election. “He sold them down the river after giving him his voice,” the former Ambassador from Venezuelate Americans who supported Trump in American elections would help him help keep him going to help himself in hopes of hoping to be Help it will hope that it will help to hope that it will hope that it will help make Maduro or take place.
But if Trump channeled Tony Soprano in his treatment of Latin America, the feeling was believed that he was also a channing trump. “Donald Trump’s approach to Latin America is recalled the way he and his father started buildings in the queen. They put a large c (for “colored”) on any app from a family that was black or Latin. And not surprising, these people did not get apartments. They calmed that case with the Ministry of Justice in the 1970s. But it is very clear to me that Donald Trump sees Latin America as a place to exploit and get out of – but not not to live in his building, “he said.
“I am ashamed of my country. I’m mad at my country. I hope we still keep democracy to go back, not perfection, but the place where we value strategic alliances to make us all confident, where to make human rights and concepts of the basic Decency in our external policy and where we cultivate our soft power. “
2025-02-23 13:00:00