Date of starting target for the latest WWE signing revealed

WWE fans want to see the arrival of the former Aew Star in promotion. The good news is that fans can expect to see Rey Fenix ​​soon in WWE.

Fenix, a freely agent is now expected to be reportedly approved by their safe release, extracting significant interests of WWE. Guessing surrounding his departure began when it was made from the page with Aew’s official childbirth last month.

This is a move that usually points to the edition of wrestling, how to see recent departures like Miro, Ricky Starks and Malakai Black. This edition comes after the report, including confirmations from sales spaces such as combat, that the Fenix ​​agreement was abolished.

Prior to that, his contract was expanded to make up for the time missed for injury, adding almost a year to his original term. In a media call for AEW Revolution 2025, Aew CEO Tony Khan discussed recent editions of talents, including Ricky Starks and Fenix. He said,

“I think that is the case to the case. I think everything happens to a case, and there are so many lives to the case to the case. Philosophical, feels like the right thing for the company and everything they are at the moment.” That’s at this point. “

Cologne, Germany – 07. Novembar: WWE logo on WWE LIVE THOUT ON MOTORWORLD 7. November 2018. in Cologne, Germany.

Marc Pfitzenreeuter / Getty Images

It is extensively guessing that Fenix ​​intends to unite with the Penta El Zero m as Lucha Bros in WWE, which supposedly wants to sign. Tubeni Sean Ross Sapp Reported on Friday that Fenix ​​will be expected to submit funds to WWE’s funds.

It was added that WWE has already begun brainstorming goods for him, suggesting that if he had not yet signed, the agreement is immediate. USA, has an update.

According to Mike Johnson, Fenix ​​is ​​expected to start with WWE after the oncoming European tour starts on March 14 and lasts until 31. March. Looks like it can have a place on the wrestlemami tab if it passes.

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For more on WWE, go to Newsweek Sports.

2025-03-08 18:17:00

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