Missouri man who admitted guilt in shooting a black teenager on the wrong door Missouri star-news.press/wp

86-year-old man Missouri died only days after he declares a minor indictment in 2023. year Ralph Yarl, she made the mistake of the glare, who made the prosecutors announced on Wednesday.

Andrew Lester from Kansas was accused of attacking primary and armed criminal action in the recording of the then 16-year-old, who survived and is now Brucoš in Texas A & M. I should start the trial on Friday to a smaller charge. to attack another degree, carrying up to seven years behind bars. He was scheduled to be sentenced 7. March.

Cher Congour, Prosecution Spokesman County Clay, said Laster’s lawyer informed her about his death.

“We learned about the passage of Andrew Lester and Sierra’s condolences in his family during this difficult time,” said the Prosecution in a statement in the newspaper. “As the current proceedings have now concluded, we acknowledge that Mr. Lester took responsibility for his actions in order to pray in this case.”

The news release did not offer any cause of death. Kansas City Police said they did not lead to an investigation into death. And Sarah Boyd, a spokesperson for the Sheriff County Sheriff, said that there was no information about the reason for the reason for death because he was not in custody, but he noted that in “bad health” at last week.

Yarl’s family on Wednesday said in a written statement that what happened to one of the reasons they pushed for a quick trial.

“Now, another black child harmed the prejudices will never see a man who shot him with the full weight of the judicial system. While Lester finally admitted the guilt, after two years of disposal. This delay leaves our family,” which one said statement.

The case shocked the country and rebuilt the national discussion on the policies and a gun race in the United States.

Yarl appeared on Lester Thresholds in the night 2023. April 13. April, after he mixed the streets in which he was supposed to pick up his brothers and twins siblings.

Lester’s lawyer, Steve Salmon, claimed that Lester is acting in self-defense and that he was terrified of a stranger who knocked on his neck as he entered the bed. Authorities say Lester twice with Yarl directed: First in his head, then in his hand.

Yarl testified at the hearing that the bell rang, then waited for someone to answer what seemed “longer than normal”. As the inner door opened, Yarl said, reaching out to grab a storm door, assuming he was on his parents of friends brothers.

He said Lester shot him in his head and uttered, “He’s not coming here ever here.” Although the bullet did not penetrate Yarl’s brain, the influence knocked him to the ground. Yarl said Lester then shot his hand. Teen was taken to the hospital and published three days later.

His family said that the shooting took a great emotional toll and they filed a lawsuit against retired planes.

Salmon said last year that Lester’s physical and mental condition worsened. He said Lester had heart problems, broken hips and was hospitalized. Leicester also lost 50 kilograms (23kg), who blamed salmon on stress of intense media coverage and death threats.

During the hearing on Friday, Lester turned over while the boiler was in the courtroom, they folded his hands. He asked if he was in bad health, Lester replied that.

The judge previously ordered the mental assessment of Lester, but it was allowed to continue after completion. The results of that evaluation were not published public.

Lester’s grandson, Daniel Ludwig, did not immediately return the text message from the Associated Press you are looking for a comment.

2025-02-20 00:01:00

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