Oral bacteria associated with stroke risks star-news.press/wp

summary: You find a new study that bacteria Turbutkos drips It is more abundant in saliva and intestine for people who have a stroke and are more associated with the risk of death and the main cardiovascular events. The researchers compared 189 stroke patients with 55 stroke participants, and found that these bacteria increased the risk of stroke by 20 %.

At the same time, like useful bacteria like Anaerostipes Hadrus and Plebeius bacterioids It was associated with a decrease in the risk of stroke. The results highlight the importance of oral hygiene in preventing stroke, such as Turbutkos drips Contributes to tooth decay.

Main facts:

  • Stroke risk factor: Turbutkos drips It was associated with 20 % of the risk of stroke and the poorest results.
  • Protective bacteria: Anaerostipes Hadrus and Plebeius bacterioids It was associated with a decrease in the risk of stroke.
  • Oral health connection: Oral hygiene may contribute to inflammation, which increases the sensitivity of stroke.

source: Aha

The common bacteria in the mouth and digestive system are usually. SteripxIt may be abundant in the guts of people with stroke and is associated with the worse and increased risk of death, according to an initial study presented at the International Stroke Conference of the American Stroke 2025.

The meeting is located in Los Angeles, February 5-7, 2025, a major meeting for researchers and doctors for stroke and brain health.

Microbium is affected by the mouth and intestine, with a lifestyle. Credit: Neuroscience News

“In the future, if there is a quick test to detect harmful bacteria in the mouth and intestine, we can use information to help calculate the risks of stroke.

“Targeting these harmful oral bacteria may help prevent stroke,” said Shochi Tonomura, a doctorate in medicine, the author of the study doctor and employees in the Department of Neuroscience at the National Cerebral and Vascular Center in Osaka. Japan.

Everyone has trillion bacteria in their intestine, known combined as intestinal microorganisms. There is also another society of bacteria in the mouth called oral microbes.

“Most of these bacteria affect a positive way on the body and help in the body’s natural processes, such as digestion. However, when useful and non -beneficial types of bacteria come out of balance, the disease can occur.

Previously, these researchers found that different bacteria caused dental decomposition, Streptococcus MutansIt is associated with the high risk of bleeding inside the brain.

In this new study, conducted in the largest stroke center in Japan, the researchers estimate all detectable bacteria in both saliva and intestineS Among the people who recently had any type of stroke, comparing them to people without a stroke similar to routine medical examinations.

The researchers found that a kind of bacteria, Turbutkos drips It was significantly more abundant in the saliva and intestine of people with acute stroke more than the set of people who did not suffer from stroke.

He found an analysis of different groups of bacteria:

  • Turbutkos drips In the intestine, 20 % of the possibilities of stroke are independently associated after controlling vascular risk factors, while Anaerostipes Hadrus (Bacteria associated with useful effects has been associated with a decrease in 18 % risk and bacteria Plebeius (The common intestinal bacteria in the Japanese population has been associated with a 14 % decrease.
  • During two years follow -up, stroke survivors with Turbutkos drips In the intestine had a much higher risk of death and the main cardiovascular events during the follow -up period for two years.
  • It was not noted that the risk of death and poor results in stroke survivors Anaerostipes Hadrus and Plebeius bacterioids Compared to the controls.

“Our results offer new visions about the relationship between bacteria by mouth and the risk of stroke, as well as possible strategies to prevent stroke. Both nodalococcus and manptococcus angeinosus are bacteria that contribute to tooth decay by producing acids that destroy tooth enamel.

“This highlights the importance of preventing dental decomposition, which can be achieved by reducing sugar intake and using toothpaste that targets these bacteria. Tonomura said,” Keeping good mouth hygiene is necessary. “

The researchers hope to conduct similar studies on people who have not suffered a stroke, but they have risk factors for stroke.

Tonomura said: “The expansion of the analysis to the population at risk of stroke is very important to understand the broader effects and develop potential preventive strategies for those exposed to stroke,” Tonomura said.

Since the study was conducted in a number of Japanese population with a relatively small sample size (189 patients with stroke and 55 participants without stroke), the results may not be fully generalized to the other population or larger and more varied groups.

“Microbium is affected by the mouth and intestine with a lifestyle. Other bacteria may be major stroke players in other countries.

Weak oral health can lead to inflammation and may increase the risk of stroke. Increase levels Turbutkos drips Louise d. McCulu, PhD in Medicine, PhD, so, “The finding of the intestine of patients with modern stroke is interesting, and the fact that levels are linked to the increase in deaths after two years of stroke indicates that they may play a role in the risk of stroke.” , Who is Roy M. Filis Gove Huffington, the neurosurgery chair at the College of Medicine, McGovarn,; The head of the neuroscientist at the Memorial Hermann Center at the Texas Medical Hospital and co -manager of neuroscience in Oteth, all in Houston, who did not participate in the study.

“Since this study was conducted after a stroke, a larger group of people who have not suffered a stroke but have risk factors that can enhance our understanding of how these bacteria are linked to stroke risks.

“This knowledge can help improve prevention strategies.” Mukulo also composed a stroke and microbium published in the January 2024 issue of the American Heart Association Stroke magazine.

Study details, background or design:

  • The study included 250 people (average age of 70, 40 % female, all Japanese). Two hundred patients who were diagnosed (using brain imaging) have been compared to stroke (either bleeding or bleeding) during the past seven days with 50 people of the same age without a history of stroke who were receiving a routine medical examination. The control group may face other medical problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol.
  • Stroke patients were seen at the National Cerebral and Vascular Center in Osaka, the largest stroke center in Japan. The controls were involved in the ongoing SUITA study, which examined the factors of the middle -aged cardiovascular and elderly.
  • The researchers analyzed microbes by mouth and intestines using saliva and stool samples obtained from stroke patients and controls between July 2020 to July 2021. During a period of two years follow -up, they noticed the number of stroke patients or have new cardiovascular events.

Participating authors, disclosure and financing sources are included in the manuscript.

About this nerve research news

author: Karen Estl
source: Aha
communication: Karen Estl – aha
image: The image is attributed to news of neuroscience

The original search: The results will be presented at the ASA International Stroke Conference 2025

2025-01-30 20:48:00

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