How Super Bowl works in commercial

TV shopping jumps are ban on each NFL fan. They interrupt a game with a stop-stop, Bumbard came to the audience and stadium fans and stadium players stand around two and a half with cold frosts.

However, ads are NFL’s life without them, the sayings could not pay for the payment of millions of dollars in the league for the rights, players’ salaries and much more money to pay.

Most games have 18 commercial breaks. A few times, the end of the first and third quarters and two-minute alerts are solved. League and networks are avoided if the group’s opening unit ends quickly, as fans want to settle in broadcast. If all goes well, the last ads walk in the fourth quarter in a two-minute warning.

Most commercial breaks and commercial rests are selected in real-time Executives, network producers and field officials seek natural interruptions of the action. Finding them is more than science, because each game spreads differently, long disks, three and external, injury time and coach challenges.

“Our fans know that Mike North said, Mike North, NFL’s planning and NFL programming” Sit starting with breaks: If the field occurs in an injury, I hope a minor; or immediately when the revision of the playback is going to the edge “.

Their decisions will see more than 100 million on Sunday spectators with Super Bowl and the hope of advertisers, 30 seconds ads, Some of them serve more than $ 8 million. Advertisements are so valuable Networks – this year exercise – add two extraordinary extraordinary game, bringing a total of 20.

League league, networks, and officials call at least four commercial breaks, but they wait for too many breaks that interrupt the flow of the game and wait for a long time and make the risk of breaking down.

Logistics should determine the time of television time to call the logistics in the three-hour game. The judge, when it starts a game and it stops when it stops and cancel the rest, communicates with the back court, with two armed arms standing next to the 20-yard line. One of them wears It represents a green hat and league. The other has in orange gloves and works for the network.

They talk to the North Mr. and other League officials in the stadium outside production truck. Sometimes the decision to go to commercial is obvious, as after a score. At other times, the league and network makes a break after an injury or after a coach challenge. The officer dressed in the orange glove will cross his arms in a “x” point to point to the nets want to go broke. The judge then turns the whistle and stretch his arms, t, the play stops about 2 minutes and about 20 seconds.

Sometimes, the official green hat will be printed with “: 30” to indicate that the network wants to take 30 seconds, no 2:20 full rest. When finished, the judge rotates his arm above himself three times, and the game is restarted. If a group calls a time limit, but the network does not want to go to the commercial rest, the officer will circle the arm with orange gloves above the head.

Some trade limits are based on hunches. Los Angeles Rams and Philadelphia Eagles and Philadelphia Eagles, among Rams McVay, Rams, Rams’ coach, questioned the call of the third without passing. Officials decided that the authority threw the ball, but the playbacks were not, so Mr. North and NBC went to commercial, that the review would not be fast. When the rest ended, the call was flipped and Rams’ Drive followed. The North Lord could use the rest well.

“As a producer, your 1. One of the numbers is to create the best flow possible for the viewer,” he said Fred GaudelliProducer of ABC, ESPN and NBC First NFL games. “I’ve been playing for 35 years, and I never made a game when all commercials weren’t entered. So don’t sweat. Let’s do what is best for the audience.”

Once or twice a season, a judge will restart during the course, forcing the networks to cut from ads. If the networks cannot in every commercial, they will make an advertiser later in the season. There is no chance with Super Bowl, because the last game of the year.

For decades, each of the networks had taken time limit. But from the late 1990s, the NFL regulates its length, frequency and location. NFL standardized interruptions for four trade and 10 seconds to include networks for other shows or advertisers to discuss the items of the game.

In 2016, to address audience complaints, the Commissioners of Roger Goodell, including the commissioners closely observes games. The league made a comprehensive look at the audience and influenced the experience of players and fans.

He led the need for crams in the break of 20 or 22 per game to natural stops. For example, networks took regular breaks after an extra point, they returned to the stadium to Kickaft and then returned to commercial. If there was a point in a few seconds in the first quarter, the league had not had to take any change in ownership at the end of the quarter.

In 2017, so NFL cut one of the five breaks taken each quarter, but the length of the interruption increased by 2 minutes in 20 seconds.

“These changes mean for more what you want: it is a competitive game with fewer interruptions and distractions”, Mr. Goodell wrote a letter to fans explaining movements.

Less interruption, increased attention in trade. The network also included “double boxes”, which shows the announcement in the other box and the stadium shot. The league tried to improve the flow of the game, including non-breaking backbreaks and game units that will not break units and revise calls in a tablet.

When the whole break is mixed too much, the networks can submit an analyst to discuss a questionable call or a new clipboard to provide updates about a player’s injuries.

“Anyway, you are using natural time, so it’s never standing” Why we don’t play, “Hans Schroeder’s chief executive president of the League distribution.” That’s very good for people in the stadium and it’s great to see you at home. for people “.

2025-02-08 08:00:00

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