Musk and Dogges try to reduce the government by expressing those who meet voters

Denver – For decades, the Conservatives in Congress discussed the need to reduced power on the need, but they always withdrew from certain reductions, fear of the voting residual.

Now, the President Donald Trump’s Administration tries to make large cuts in the government through the so-called government efficiency or dog department, which runs a billionaire elon musk – an initiative He is headed by the non-religious businessman who is unlikely to run for the function and was appointed a sliced ​​president who no longer needs to face voters.

The dynamics of cutting the government, and also disfavor those who meet voters, amazed even some fiscal conservative conservatives that have long been pushed to reduce the implementation of the Constitution: a system of verification and balances selected throughout the country.

“Some members of the Trump were frustrated that the Congress would not cut consumption and decided to go around them,” said Jessica Reidl conservative researchers. She now said, “No one who no longer needs to face voters is determining the level of consumption.”

It can be changed.

On Thursday, faced with the assembly of the Challenges for the legality of musk dismissal orders, Trump told his cabinet that musk could only give the recommendations on reducing the Government. And there were more signs that Congress, after sitting on the margins almost the first two months of the Trump administration, slowly returning to the game.

On Wednesday, Republican senators told Musk That it is necessary to ask Congress to approve specific cuts, which can do up or down, full of filibusters voting through the process known as recession.

Senators said that Musk had never heard of the process before. It was a striking reception given that it was the only way for the executive to legal refuse to spend the money that Congress gave.

“To do this to cross a moment of days, it has to go back in the form of a redemption package,” Sen said. Rand Pavao Kentucky, a long-long consumption of consumption that he said he presented the idea of ​​MINK during the lunch meeting.

Of course, by releasing Congress, the final word can be a constitutional, but would open the process to certain representatives or senators who are in reducing domestic state interests or other concerns, as well as some already. But Douglas Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congresson Budget and Economist in George W. Bush’s administration, said the “messy” process is superior.

“There is always this instinct for people who would have been insulated policy decisions,” Holtz-Eakin said. “It’s a mistake in democracy. It’s really messy. You won’t get the purity of corporate reorganization.”

Riedl noted that decades advocate for deep cuts, but there is a reason why Congress did not deal with.

“If the Congress will not pass a certain reduction in consumption, it is because the American people do not want enough,” she said. “If I want the level of consumption, cuts, my job is to persuade people America to agree with me.”

Trump and his supporters claim that they did exactly the last presidential choice when he promised Washington, “People chose me to do the job,” Trump said during his address in Congress last week.

Access to the corporate style is a long time for conservatives, especially one segment that recently called for several leaders of the Executive Director who is less bound by democratic obligations of voters. Musk embarrassed that he brought the same remetition, cutting the cost he led to his private companies. Some of his dogs moved the mirror steps, he took to decrease on the social media twitter, including e-mail bids for purchases, both times called “fork”.

Don Moynihan, Professor of Public Policy at Michigan, said that the effort seems more destructive than only attempts to reduce the government on the road to advocate conservatives.

“It covers the role of congress for consumption and program design, using cutting as a background way to bid and closed agencies created by Congress,” Moynihan said. “He carries out an unprecedented scale of disorder.”

Grover Norquist, an anti-tax activist whose promise is to rule enough to “drown in the bath”, made him an icon for conservatives for small governments, cheered Doge. He said the Congress must approve any actual reductions, but it hoped that the reduced Doge’s wedding show the legislature that voters would not panic when the government decreases.

“If we do something for three years, they will do the law,” Norquist said about the Congress. “They will see that she is safe, he will see it is successful. He will enter and put his name on him.”

Norquist admitted that the Congress has not been dealing with the level of reductions several times which would like to see, even under the united republic control. He argued that “95% of the Republicans support such a decrease, but” It was not enough to take over the goal “in the ERI in which the majority usually has only a brit-thin margin control in any chamber.

It has been almost half a century of politics defined by conservatives who advocate to reduce government spending, just to see that it continues to grow. The Republican Ronald Reagan suffocated in the Presidency in 1980. year pled to reduce the government, but when he left eight years later, his size increased. The trend continued through Trump’s first term and during the presidency of the Democratic Joe Biden.

Now, however, Trump will no longer confront voters, in spite of the occasional attempt to seek a Constitutionally prohibited Third term. It is open to His Grupu against Federal Bureaucracy, which he blames For many of his distress during his initial four years in the office.

“I don’t think the previous presidents had the same animus according to the Federal Government,” Holtz-Eakin said.

He noted that Trump launched a second cost reduction initiative through traditional channels – own office management and budget, who requested the preparation agencies for mass releases. That said Holtz-Eakin, it makes those who come in reducing the lifer to keep themselves than the area of ​​Doge.

Holtz-Eakin said that there are initial signs of voters dissatisfaction through the pace, depth and chaos cuts. “The usual way you visit that the president is to delete his fun in the middle hours,” Holtz-Eakin said. “You never invent voters.”

2025-03-09 12:14:00

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