MSNBC set aside the real news event because Trump looked good – Twitchy

Professor Marc Fokel landed at American Washington DC on Tuesday night after 3 1/2 years after being in Russian prison. Donald Trump president was assured. Cnn. Fox News and BBC All are broadcast when Fogel’s plane was touched and Trump recieved in the White House. A news network did not. This network was Msnbc.

Check it out. (Read)

Sometimes a “news” will tell you more about himself than what he does. Comments took note MSnbc’s Silence.

This was a real news event with extensive attractions. The only reason to cover is Trump Hatred. Posters explain that keeping a false narrative is more important Msnbc than to bring news to his audience.


Msnbc It’s a vocal for a democrat party and not a news.

Legacy media is generally not for this world. When an alleged newsman abandon the coverage, someone doesn’t like it? It’s not.

2025-02-12 08:22:00

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