Lt. Colonel Tulsi Gabbard: Why am I the right choice for running the National Intelligence Office Opinion

I am honored and grateful to the President Donald J. Trump in confidence and trust in the appointment to serve our country as the director of national intelligence. I am especially honored that I was appointed for this role at a time when trust in the intelligence community is in every time, and the world is more dangerous than ever, given the national security vulnerabilities of biden administration.

But she didn’t start with President Biden. For too long, incorrect, inadequate and armed intelligence led to expensive failures, which are the share of our national security and constitutional freedom.

The most obvious example is an invasion of Iraq, which was based on the failure of intelligence. This catastrophic decision led to death of thousands of American soldiers and countless people in the Middle East. It has led to mass migration and regional destabilization, and the safety and stability of our European federations was trimmed. And he led to the growth of ISIS, strengthening al-Qaide and other Islamist jihadist groups, and stunning Iran.

Unfortunately, there are many more. The President of the Trump is a clear mandate of the American people to violate this cycle of failure, end weapons and politicization of the intelligence community (IC) and start repaying confidence in those charged with the critical task of insurance of our people.

Tulsi Gabbard testifies during the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing to be the American Director of National Intelligence (DNI), on Capitol Hill on 30. January 2025. In Washington, DC.

Manadel I / AFP via images

If confirmed as the bottom, I will do my best to fill this mandate and bring leadership to intelligence with laser like focus on our essential mission. That mission is clear: it is to ensure the safety, safety and freedom of the American people.

As the Chief President’s Head Advisor, I will start by guiding example, checking his own gaze on the door and the commissioning of intelligence collected, analyzed and reported without bias, prejudice or political influence.

During his time in Congress and in the army, I was engaged in world leaders and I was a secret highly classified intelligence. I know that First-Hand is how exactly the accurate, impartial and timely intelligence is the President, Congress and our war forces and the difficult costs of intelligence and abuse.

I’ll have a four-day priorities:

First, to assess the global environmental threat and identify where empties in our intelligence, integrate intelligent elements, increasing the exchange of information and insuring impartial, apolitical, objective collection and analysis.

Secondly, I will hand over the commitment to the President Trump to the American people to end the politicization of IC and provide the focus on the essential mission of the IC, which ensures our people.

Third, I will renew confidence in the intelligence community through transparency and responsibility.

Finally, I will assess and solve efficiency, redundancy and effectiveness across the most of the most.

There were many questions during my confirmation last week about Edward Snowden, which in 2013. He broke the law by letting the vast amount of highly sensitive classified media involving information that harmed our national security and revealed illegal and unconstitutional government programs that He performed mass surveillance of millions of data Americans.

Given the interest of the members of the Board whether Edward Snowden should be called the “traitor”, here I shared with the Intelligence Committee on the closed session on why I do not throw that expression: a treachery is a capital deed, punishable death, and yet politicians, and again politicians Like a former Secretary Hillary Clinton and former American Senator Mitt Romney Kleveli su me, Donald Trumpa Jr. and others with the basic charges issued. It is important to focus on facts, not the label. Snowden should have initiated concerns about illegal supervision through authorized channels, such as the Inspector General or Intelligence, instead of leaking in the media.

If confirmed as the director of national intelligence, I would reiterate all members of the intelligence community to expect that they will use authorized channels available to whistles for any concerns. Those who decide to go out of many protected legal whistleblowers for illegal disclosure of sensitive classified data will be prosecuted to the greatest extent of the law.

My four-point plan to prevent future leaks in the snow consists of:

  • Proper monitoring To make sure there are no illegal or unconstitutional intelligence collection programs.
  • Minimizing access to highly sensitive intelligence through security clearance and classification reform, which has double support.
  • Informing each person in the labor force on all legal options for whistleblows, including the General Inspector, Ombudsman and the Senate Intelligence Committee.
  • Establishing a direct telephone line directly to me For whistleblows.

Security, safety and freedoms of the American people is the mandate of the leadership that rises above the partisan policy. If confirmed, the representation of the President, Congress, and I will do this: I will do my best to find the truth, no matter where it leads and share the truth with the President Trump, his advisers and Congress. I promise to provide an impartial, timely and accurate intelligence for those who make decisions for the protection of people of our country.

Honorary Confidence of President Trump put me in me in appointing me to lead our intelligence community. I am the right person for work.

Tulsi Gabbard is a lieutenant colonel in the US Army Reserve and served as the US Representative for 2. Congress District of Hawaii from 2013. until 2021. years. She is President Trump.

Attitudes expressed in this article are their own writer.

2025-02-03 04:17:00

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