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Another Femme Fatale enters Wuthering Waves: Kuro Games have announced that update 2.2 for open-world RPG contain CANTARELLA as a play character. A 5-star resonator is the head of the Fisalia family, one of the two leading noble houses in Rinascit. Wuthering Waves 2.0 Already introduced Carlotta, the heir to the Montelli Rivaling Family.

Cantarella role, weapon class and the type of damage are not yet known, but it seems that it is a separate figure in the world of games.

Artwork depicting Cantarel from Wuthering Wave.

Kuro Games

“Current Chief of Fissals, Cantarella, Bane. Am I dark evil or pure is your decision,” Cantarella is quoted as a look about himself.

“Fisalia Family is thirty-sixth head, Cantarella Fisalia. It seems deep as an ocean, where dark tide seems to be survived,” a short example for Lore “.” You think for a moment You look at something in the depth of the ocean – but you are not sure if the shadow of a giant sea creature … or tail feathers of heaven Steen. “

The parts of the Fisalia family openly opposed the Montelli family attempts to modernize the country, working with the church to suppress its reform ideas. Although pious followers of RinaScaine Sentinel are publicly considered to be heretical tendencies within the clan. Cantarella was incredibly inactive when it comes to rooting these issues, so update 2.0 could finally see how to join the action in the story together with your debate as a play character.

Her visual appearance certainly enhances the deep sea subject of Fissals, combining it with the POMP of aristocratic ladies – including stylish jellyfish.

Wuthering Waves 2.2 is set to come to PC, PS5, IOS and Android at the end of March 2025. Years.