John Oliver likes to perform stand-up most

John Oliver likes to perform stand-up most

John Oliver likes to perform stand-up most


This week in 60 minutes, correspondent account Whitaker Profiles Comedy John Oliver. Famous for his Sunday list “last week tonight, Oliver won the awards and recognition for his comment for bugs of America.

Although Oliver’s HBO show is now in his 12. season, he did not lose contact with the stand-up comedy, which he launched his career. While preparing for a stand-up show in Backstage in the Beacon Theater in New York, Oliver said whitaker that performing stand-up his “favorite place to be”.

In the above video, Oliver explains why it is useful for comedians to perform the sets that the audience does not bring good.

“It’s good for you. The bombing is the key, a key part of stand-up,” Oliver said. “You find out more than failure than you do from success. Sometimes there is a real excitement in battle through the gig and lessons learning from it. Failure is a teacher’s guard.”

Performance John Olivera Hotel category taken in Beacon Theater, NYC.

The video above produced Brit McCandless Farmer and Scott Rosann. It was edited by Scott Rosann.

2025-02-24 00:02:00

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