Jerusalem – Israeli soldier found to hit Palestinian detainees while restrained and were sentenced to seven months in prison by the Israeli military court.
The Israeli army announced that the Court agreed to the plea agreement from the soldiers, the reservist who said admitted that “Palestine detention detention detention had a sda near the border with the border.
“The accused was convicted of several incidents in which he hit detainees with his poets and weapons while bound and tied his eyes,” Army said. It is no name to appoint a soldier or detailed charges that he was convicted.
The military statement did not identify where the Palestinian detainees were, why were they detained or whether they were indicted since then convicted of crimes or released from custody.
In addition to seven months in prison, the Court of soldiers took on Suspendun’s sentence and demoted him to the place of private. The military said that the soldier served as a protective guard in the detention center, but did not say which rank had. Israeli media reported the sentence of the prison of the soldier involved the time he had already spent in custody.
The military court found that other masked soldiers participated in abuse, but that their identity was not determined, the army said, not to say how much.
The convict soldier beat the detainees in front of other soldiers, some of which were said to stop, said the army, adding that he was on a convicted soldier’s mobile phone.
The military investigates the allegations that soldiers abused Palestinians from Gaza who were held in military custody since the beginning of the war in October 2023. years. The army did not say that investigations were still ongoing or were undergoing and whether the investigations were still ongoing or that they were in progress and whether the investigations were still undergoing or that they were in the course of an investigation or That investigations are still in progress or that they were accused of investigations still in progress or investigations still lasted or the accused of any other soldiers.
In July last year, right-wing Israeli protesters broke into custody for the custody of the SDE TEIMAN, and the second Israeli military connection after the research arrived to examine the soldiers about suspicious abuse.
The SDE TEIMAN was opened after the war began and retained the captured Palestinians from Gaza. Israel said last year to close the facility.
2025-02-07 10:04:00