Cuts in the US Forest Service could lead to unintentional consequences, they say that ex-workers

Forest maintenance in the country take the army Forest workersBut recent job cuts reduced the number of their soldiers, which some say they can lead to unintentional consequences.

Dalyn Grindle, Jack Corney and Tim Leeds were all working on the National Forest in Wyoming Shoshone – The Evert Federal Forest in the Federal State and Park that are always buzzing with activities, even in winter, with people for motor bicycles, bikes, hiking and Climbing.

But they were among the 17 employees recently fired from the Sošnj National Forest, the Senior Forest Officer states. Grindle, Corney and Leed each received a letter that said they were fired due to bad business performance, but they don’t buy it.

“That’s not the real reason,” Grindle told the CBS news.

“You know, I put my heart and soul under that business and it’s just not true,” Leedy said.

Every summer, dozens of millions of Americans visit 154 US National Forests, which have been revivaled by over 193 million hectares, but this summer, camps and trails may look a little different.

“I think there is a lot of unforeseen consequences that the general public does not exist – is not always aware,” Grindle said.

Corney noted a part of his job he picked up traces of garbage and cleaning so that people can “access the wild. And that’s just, it won’t happen this year.”

Local Ranger Station in Lander, Wyoming, Once upon a time, it could be visited to receive information about the forest, such as good places for camp, trips or safety tips. But thanks to the recent pumping, the station will not soon be open.

Devices in the forest service also come as Wildfires Ferek and more often growing across the country.

Grindle, Corney and Leedy were all qualified firefighters, are no longer available in the forest to break out the flames.

2025-02-26 01:07:00

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