False killer whales are expected to shine in Australia euthanized after the failed rescue mission star-news.press/wp

More than 150 false killer whales washed down on the banks of the Australian Tasmani Island, and none of them expected to survive, officials said on Wednesday.

157 whales found Tuesday afternoon on a remote beach near Arthur River on the northwest coast of Tasmania. Until Wednesday afternoon, only 90 was still alive, a linked press was reported, citing the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Tasmania.

Officials said that rescue efforts were hampered by bad conditions and that a similar time was expected at least the next two days.

Air show teams show under 157 false whales killers inflated on a remote beach in Tasmania.TED ASLIBE / AFP – Getty Images

“We went out in the water this morning and tried to distract two whales, but they didn’t have success because the Ocean conditions did not allow animals to cross the break,” Ua Non-Controla Statement. “Animals are constantly retaining.”

The remaining life whales will be expected to be euthanized.

“The longer these animals are ashamed, as long as it suffer,” the sea biologist said and the Deputy Controller Incident Kris Carlyon in the statement. “All alternative options were not successful, the euthanizer is always the last resort.”

The beach on a remote beach on a remote beach is located on a remote beach on the Australian southern island of Tasmania, environmental services told the veterinarians to the place of events.
It was unclear how the false killer whales became stranded.Natural Resources & Environment Tasmania / AFP – Getty Images

Animals resemble killers whales, but are actually major members of the dolphin family. False killer whales can strive for up to £ 3,000 and generally live in deep offshore waters in tropical and subtropical oceans, according to words National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration.

The reason for Pleasure on Tuesday is not clear. They were the first false killer whales since 1974. to become stranded in Tasmania, where beaches usually include pilot whales.

2022. Year, approximately 200 out of 230 pilot whales were killed after becoming a strand of the further West Coast of Tasmania in the port of Macquarie.

The beach on a remote beach on a remote beach is located on a remote beach on the Australian southern island of Tasmania, environmental services told the veterinarians to the place of events.
Officials working on dolphins stranded on the beach near Arthur River on the west coast of Tasmania 19. February 2025.Natural Resources & Environment Tasmania / AFP – Getty Images

Luka Macquarie was also the place of the worst mass current in the Australian history of 2020. years, when less than 100 pilot whales survived from 470 which were stuck on sandpapers.

They can appear on beaches for various reasons, including navigation errors, illness, age, injury, bad weather and hunting too close to the coast.

2025-02-19 09:29:00

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