All you need to see before “Thunderbolts”

Amusement gossip and news from Newsweek network contributions

“Thunderbolts *” is a little less than two months, which means you still have time for some ringing. Cast includes signs from all over MCUs, so if you don’t get homework, you may feel a little lost.

Read more: Thunderbolts convert Marvel landmark to a symbol of a darker MCU

Here’s everything you need to watch before you see “Thunderbolts *.”

From left to right: David Harbor as a red guard, Sebastian apartment as a winter soldier, Wyatt Russell as usagent, Hannah John-stone as a ghost, and Florence Pugh as Yelena Belovi in ​​”Thunderbolts *.”


First Three ‘Captain American Films

If you need to meet Bucky Barnes, aka Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan), you will have to watch the first three films “Captain America”. In “the first ampemer: you will meet at the Second World War, in” Captain America: You will see who Hydra has turned it into “Captain America: You will see his beginning on the way to redemption.

Recently “Captain America: A brave new world” contains an apartment in stone, but it is too short to be an integral integral to “Thunderbolts *”.

‘Ant-Man and WASP’

In “Ant-Man and WASP” you will meet with Ava Starrom, Akom Ghost (Hannah John-Stone). You will see an accident that gave its supermoites and how the guard dragged into turning it into the means at an early age. You will also learn how the source of her own forces almost killed her.

‘Falcons and Winter Soldiers’

In addition to giving us all the update on Bucky, “Falcon and the winter soldier” introduces us in two signs integral to “Thunderbolts *”.

The first is John Walker, aka USAGENT (Wyatt Russell). Tapnut to become a replacement for Steve Rogers, Walker gets hands on a super soldier serum and does not tolerate it as its predecessor.

Then have a wave, aka Valentina Allegra de Fontaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), manager behind the scenes “Thunderbolts *” responsible for making all these types of anti-heroes together.

‘Black Widow’

No other Marvel project is more important to see before “Thunderbolts *” than “Black Widow”.

For one of us, it introduces us more “Thunderbolts *” from any other individual Marvel project. We meet Natasha Romansson (Scarlett Johansson) Sister’s sister Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh) and adopt the father of Alexei Shostakov / Red Guard (David Harbor), both members of Thunderbolts. We also meet the third Thunderbolt: Antonia Dreykov / Rakmaster (Olga Kurilenko).

Finally, we get a scene after a loan with one of the earliest performances in which he tries to convince Yelen to kill Clint Barton / Hawkeye.


In Disney + Series “Hawkeye” we see Yelen on her mission to kill Hawkeyey and see exactly how she shakes she. It is also the latest project containing Yelen, bringing American electricity with the new black widow.

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2025-03-08 19:12:00

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