The diving reaction shows that it can have the effects of selective adrenal hormone.
Thermal drugs such as DNP can a reason People for high temperature to death; They can He increases 300 percent or more metabolic rates. It will be more physiological spread It ranges Less than ten times, from a 30 percent slower metabolism in people with an inactive thyroid to 30 percent higher metabolism when part of our nervous system that controls the fighting or flying response is activated. In response to severe fear or pressure, special nerves release a chemical called Nurdrenaline to prepare for the confrontation. We are testing this through our skin to get a villain, cold, and clammy, where blood is converted into our most vibrant organs. Our mouth can dry where our digestive system is suspended, and our heart begins faster. What we don’t feel is that the additional fats that are burned to free energy to fight.
For this reason people started take Evidra weight loss – “to stimulate the release of nerves from nerve endings.”
Evidra He is Everbrling bush. It was used in China for thousands of years to treat asthma because it is Causes The same version of Noradrenaline that provides comfort to people with asthma by extending their airways. In the United States, it was Dedicated To use it as a metabolic activation, it appears to lead to about 2 pounds (0.9 kg) of weight loss monthly in 19 fake experiences. By the late 1990s, millions of Americans were take He – is. The problem is that it is also king All other effects of nordrenaline, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure. Therefore, chronic use led to “stroke, irregular heartbeat, and death.” The US Food and Drug Administration warned of its dangers in 1994, but Evidra was not banned until a decade after a 23 -year -old main baseball launched. The autopsy report revealed evidence of Evedra, which the medical examiner said contributed to his death.
In the West of the current wilderness of organizing nutritional supplements, the supplement can not only be marketed without any safety data “at all, but the manufacturer is not obligated to detect the harmful effects that may arise. It is not surprising that the sellers via the Internet Assure Absolute safety: “There are no negative side effects yet.” “There are no harmful side effects, any nervous tensions or basic anxiety, no mood …” “100 % safe for long -term use.” “It will not interact with medications and have no harmful side effects.” President of Metabolife International, the leading seller of Ividra, Assure The Food and Drug Administration that the company has never received “a notice from the consumer that any serious negative health event has occurred …” in fact, about 13,000 health complaints, including reports of serious injuries, hospital entry and even deaths.
If there is only a way to get good without bad. As I discuss in my video How to get the benefits of weight loss from Evedra without risksThere. But to understand this, you must first understand a wonderful biological phenomenon known as diving reaction.
Imagine walking through a frozen lake and suddenly falling through the ice, and sliding deep in the freezing. It is difficult to think about a shock more than a fight or a flying. In fact, Nurdernaline will be released, causing the blood vessels to light between your arms and legs to restore blood to your heart. You can imagine how quickly your heart starts in the race, but that will be inverse results because you will use oxygen faster. Miscellaneous, what happens instead is that the heart rate slows down. This is the reaction, first Described In 1700s. Air breathing animals were born with this automatic safety feature to help prevent us from drowning.
In medicine, we can Exploit This physiological comfort with the so -called “cold face test”. To determine whether a coma patient has healthy nervous paths, you can apply cold compressors to their faces to see if their heart begins immediately in slowing down. Or, more dramatic, it can be used Degenerate People who turn into abnormally fast heart beats. Remember that episode of He is Where did Carter formed the patient’s face in a ice water tray? (This show was broadcast on TV when I was at the Medical College, and a group of us will collect and count the number of times they violated “Global Reserves”.)
What is the relationship of this to weight loss? The problem of medications that release the lightrenaline, such as Evedra, is the associated height of the heart rate and blood pressure. What the diving reaction shows is that it is possible to try the selective light effects, which provokes the possibility of a way to get a metabolism batch without the risk of getting rid of it. Inaccessible, this complex physiological work may be done with the simplest verbs: instead of drowning in water, you only need to drink it. truly? Yes, you can enhance metabolism by drinking water. Connect your safety belts because you are on a wild trip – one continues after that.
This is the first in a four -part video series. Stay tuned:
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2024-10-29 12:00:00