What does Elon Musk trust? | Trump Administration star-news.press/wp

The musky embrace of the ultimate right increased the emergencies about what musk political beliefs and how he intends to use his new strength. Composite: Angelica Alzona / Guardian design; Photo Kent Nishimura / Getty Images

Elonic musk is not a people, because millions around the world will be able to testify after the richest planet, food supplies, health care and probably even in some most vulnerable without any people or chapified.

Music sees himself as a man of data, has numbers like a machete to reduce and burn the path to government waste and corruption because he leads the charge to catch the American state.

Within musk that sends its minions to expel the U.S. International Development Agency (USAID) and the rifle through its finances, the Agency was in force from business. Musk claimed that USAID was a “criminal organization” and full of Marxist – a claim called “Laughter” of the Agency under George W Bush, Andrew Natios, which describes himself as a conservative Republican.

Musk doesn’t care. Less than three weeks after the Inauguration of Donald Trump, the head of the new “Government’s Efficiency Department” has created an extensive electricity base in Washington a kind.

Trump gave free UN MONGS to send their operatives in more than dozens of federal agencies to seek evidence of poor management and subversion and generally create chaos, outside the usual control and regulation boundaries.

Key, musk now controls 0ffice staff management (OPM) that monitors federal employment. He immediately encouraged more than two million government workers to resign with the aforementioned forcing several hundred thousand from the door.

Donald Trump fan interrupts an anti-dog protest outside the Department of Washington Wednesday. Photo: Anadolu / Getty Images

Clearly, who thinks of a musk thinks she could lead the country, from his employment to the Page “Special Government Employees” from their own companies and the wider technological industry to storm the Federal Citadel. These include a significant share of young software engineers of species that tend to adore technical billionaires such as musk, including a teenager who passed “Big balls“Online.

It is little, if any, suffered security consciousness, other government workers must access sensitive and personal data. If they had, Doge may have discouraged to hire another recruit from Silicon Valley, Marko Elez, sent to the US cash register, where he had access to taxpayer records. Elez resigned on Thursday after Wall Street Journal discovered He published racist messages on social media and defended the eugenic.

“Just for the record, I was a racist before it was cool,” Elez wrote at Xu July.

On it, musk implements Trump’s commitment to reduce consumption “Remove the deep state“I VRECK” ROGUE BIROKRATS “. But the unimaginative approval of the German nationalist alternative for Germany (AFD), and what looked most of the world like the Nazi-greeting in the trump cards, emergencies asked for musical political beliefs and as it intends to use your new strength.

As happening, greater than what musk is good for his business, including the abolition of regulatory bodies and reducing trade unions and workers. The worker’s committee, which supports the rights of workers, is paralyzed by agencies that regulated the financial industry or said to give up the key parts of their work.

Mosus politics was eclectic. In the past, he supported universal basic income and carbon emissions tax. At the same time, he has deeply dislike unions and public transport because it means being around “Random strangersOne of which could be a serial killer “. He represents visceral hostility for diversity programs and seems to consider those who believe in help in less fortunate as subversive.

Thrown in this mix is ​​a musk fascination with the movement of the premises, for which he did his a little think of 12 children, and hopes that one day his missile company, spacex, help in the colonization of Mars.

Grown in South Africa under the apartheid, musk is obviously suspicious in democracy and leaders that produce. His grandfather at the head of the trimming movement in Canada in 1930s, technocracy involved, who tried to abolish democracy in favor of the Government of Elite Technicians, but his pretensions of Fascism saw that he forbidden for prohibited during World War II.

Musk shows some of the same tendencies as well as other liberty-lifting silicoms of billion billions in an unhappy neurid selected government. He spoke to support direct democracy, where policies and other issues decide the popular referendums, not elected representatives.

But in the meantime, the musk appears happy that the American version of the “Strongman” rulers through the “Unitary Executive Theory of Republic Rights”, as regards the authority of the President as a paragraph and congresses as an obstacle to his obstacle.

Over the years, Musk described as “not conservative” and “politically moderate”. He supported a democratic candidate in every presidential election returned to the victory of Barack Obama in 2008. until he had separated the party in recent years.

Barack Obama and Elon Musk 2010. Years. Photo: Jim Young / Reuters

“In the past, I voted Democrat, because they (mostly) have fun. But they became a party of division and hatred, so they can no longer support and vote the Republican. Now, watch their dirty tricks campaigns against me”, he wrote on x 2022. Years.

But there were traces for other motives, including a statement that he would vote the Republican due to Joe Biden for unions and what he considered insufficient democratic support for his companies.

Recently before last year’s presidential election, Musk stated that Trump would save US democracy from the Democrat who are traded on certain freedoms. But continued to move in public, with an open armchair of racist European political leaders, including AFD and the promotion of “White Genocide” receivables in the country of his birth, South Africa.

MUSKOV BIOGRAG, WALTER ISAACSON, is connected Its crossing from Obama voters on a fan for AFD for the transition of his daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson.

Wilson was 16 when she sent relatives: “Hey, I’m Transgender, and my name is now Jenna.” The day after Wilson filled in 1822. Years, she changed her name for “gender identity and the fact that I no longer live or want to be associated with my biological father in any way, shape or shape. “

Musk told Iaacson that Sanguiana was about change, but then Wilson became a quarrel of Marxist and no longer talked to him, the situation he described as one of the latest life.

“She crossed socialism to be full of communists and thinking that someone is rich in evil,” MUSK authuma said.

Musk blamed Wilson progressive from Los Angeles in Los Angeles and said he was upset on the “pierced virus,” with America.

After California passed the law Prohibition of school districts from educating teachers to tell parents of changes in students’ sexual orientation and gender identity, musk announced that the scrolling of its two largest companies, Spacex and X, in Texas. He said that the law caused the “mass destruction of parental rights” and put children at risk of “permanent damage”.

Musk did not say that the relocation of his companies had significant tax advantages for himself and his business, which would additionally susceptible to less climate regulations than in California.

However, its obvious release of His daughter seems to have set up a wider hostility for identity and inclusion and inclusion programs (DEI), a favorite target of Trumpa law. Musk announced that the words “CIS” and “Cisgender” were considered for the spurs on X, and he went out against the pronoun, Tweeting to “suck”.

In late 2022. year, the second tweet is associated with the hosting of musk towards the way people decide to identify – a strange position for a man claims that he is the champion of free speech – his anger in Kovin restrictions of bisen administration.

Donald Trump and Elon Musk in November 2024. years. Photo: Carlos Barría / Reuters

Musk was ridiculed by Anthony Fauzi, Chief Advisor Biden, who was an instrument in locking and other measures to contain a crisis.

“My pronouns are prosecuted / fauzi”, ” He wrote.

Some saw a tweet as proof that musk is now openly identifying the end of the rightwho defied the regulations of masks and work orders at home, and they invited themselves to the faucets to lock themselves in their freedoms.

But while the hosting of musk for excuses was personal, the Kovinj regulations touched its companies and net values.

Musk refused to close His factory of Tesla at the height of the pandemic, claiming without evidence that “panic” has made greater damage from the disease through the virus. He looked backed by social distanction, predicted that the virus would claim several lives in the United States (eventually claimed more than 1.2 million), and the locking described as “fascist” and “deleting freedom of people.” Musk tweeted Memi comparing the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudea, Hitler for the promising limitations of his government.

Musk may have dressed his position as concerns about the prosperity of people, but his immediate effect was that his factories rolled even if people working in them at higher risk of infection and death. And while Musk claimed the principled position in favor of individual freedom, he has a history of suppressing the right of their own workers.

In 2023. He said he disagrees with the Trade Union’s concept.

“I just don’t like anything that creates Lords and peasants of things,” he said New York Times Summit. “Unions naturally try to create negativity in the company.”

One of the reasons, musk may not like unions whether they are usually advocated for their members. Faced with charges from former employees aggressively using the secret process of resolution disputes for repeated claims Sexual and racial harassment Within its companies, including charges for women who last the atmosphere of “Frat houses” and other abuses neglected and even commit high-level executives.

Tesla has paid Millions of dollars on black workers exposed Racial harassment.

However, while musk restricts the rights of this employee to seek compensation from the courts, he and his companies submitted at least 23 lawsuits in the federal courts in 2014. years, According to Fortune Magazine.

These include legal action x against the digital hate control center Report The accusation of the social network to express millions of dollars out of accounts that hate from “Neo-Nazi, white supremacities, msoogins and scatterers of dangerous conspiracy theories”. The California Judge thrown a lawsuit last year, speak It was clear, “the case is punishing the accused for their speech.”

Musk will probably spend much more time frustrating courts. The judges have already placed on pushing for mass resignations from the civil service and set certain restrictions on Dogein mass collection of data. Federal workers, unions and organizations for civil rights are performed by burries lawsuit for challenging musical actions.

But the courts themselves can become the target of musk while working to crash the old order.

In his biography, Isaacson wrote that musk once described that he was in “War at all times” “as one of his default settings.

No one thinks that, until Trump still has a billionaire, as a responsibility of responsibility, soothing thirst for power will be stopped in mirroring federal agencies. The question is where it will launch the next offensive.

2025-02-08 10:00:00

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