Democratic Senators say they have “serious problems” due to the potential financial conflicts RFK JR.

Two Democratic Senators on the Committee to decide whether to improve Robert F. Kennedy Jr., it says that they were “serious concerns” about whether they should become the next Secretary of Health and Health and Health and Health.

In Letter to Kennedy Days on Sunday, Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-mass. and Ron Wyden, D-Ore., he said that the recently changed Ethical Detection Form only asked additional questions about the scope of his potential financial conflicts of interest.

“What is clear is that your participation and financial interests in Suping vaccine and extensive. There seem to be many different types of vaccine decisions and communications – which you would be empowered and influence as the secretary – may result in a significant financial fee for Your family, “Warren and Weden wrote, who were on the finance committee.

“These conflicts, in combination with your decades with a long-term career regarding the safety and efficiency of life vaccines, give us serious concern about your fitness for their secretary,” they continued.

At the end of last week, in writing the response to the Senators after his testimony, Kennedy said he would repel his interest in the liquid litigation against Merck, signing his financial share of his son.

Before last week, Kennedy discovered that his financial interests involved referencing fees from lawyers, including Wisner Baum law firm. The law firm sues Merck over the Gardasil vaccine, which protects against the human papillomavirus.

“I have the right to receive 10% of fees allocated in cases of contingencies from company. I am not a lawyer record in cases, and I will not provide representative services regarding the cases during my meeting,” his application.

Kennedy’s subsequent decision to declare their interest in his adult Son mitigated worries about democratic legislators, who said that she could keep “indirect” financial content in litigation against the HHS-regulated vaccine.

Senators entered in Kennedy, in order to deal with their concerns due to financial conflicts, including that he would be used from the decisions and communication related to HHS issues involving cases or participation that he or his The family have an interest in and promise not to pour cases involving vaccine or have a financial interest in the litigation for four years after leaving the post.

Kennedy was round last week after his financial disclosures, with Warren to ask him if he would stand up to the four-year-old after leaving his post as a health secretary who would not profit from his government proceedings. Kennedy wouldn’t do that.

He said he would adhere to ethical guidelines while he was the secretary of HHS. Kennedy spokesman refused to comment.

The Finance Committee will vote on Tuesday Kennedy’s nomination; The simple majority will need to approve the sending of nomination to the entire floor to improve its candidacy.

2025-02-03 10:00:00

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