The crews still work on the recovery of the body of 10 people killed in a plane crash in Alaska, officials said.
Jennifer Hodond, Chairman of the National Transportation Committee, said the collision investigation was in their “early stages” and it was too early to say what it caused that.
Plane Cessne Grand Caravan, managed by the regional operator Bering Air, traveled from unalaket in nome on Thursday when he lost the radar contact.
Nine passengers and pilot were on a plane in the pilot when it went down to Norton sound about 34 miles (55km) southeast of the nome, the city around 3,500 on the west coast of Alaska.
Among the dead were Rhone Baumgartner and Cameron Hartvigson, two employees in an associate domestic tribal consortium.
They traveled to unalakation to perform maintenance work on the water plant, a non-profit organization on Friday said.
Ms. Hodondy said she was on the scene, on the scene, supported by experts in Washington DC.
“Real estate efforts are still ongoing, and the priority is the victim’s recovery,” she said during the news in anchorage, the largest city of Alaska.
“I would like to take a moment and spend our deepest condolences to people who lost loved ones in this tragedy,” she said.
Ms. Hodondy said the recovery workers deal with the deterioration of the weather conditions and that the wreck was landed on the ice floe that moves at a rate of five miles a day.
In the statement, the Bering Air, which manages commercial and charter flights, expressed compare and said that they would work with an investigation into the collision.

The state troops in Alaska said this was informed of the “review” aircraft at 4pm on Thursday (01:00 GMT).
The German Volunteer Firefighting said that the pilot told controllers from the aviation traffic, which “he intended to enter the Holding Form while waiting for the runway to clean.”
The American coast later she said that the plane experienced a quick loss of altitude and speed before contact lost.
The recordings showed low visibility in the area around the collision time.
The Alaskan Senator Lisa Murkowski shared condescending after the incident.
“Alaska is a great small town. When the tragedy strikes, they never removed from Alansian directly,” she wrote online.
Alaskan Governor, Mike Dunleavy, said he was “heartbroken or” Heartroken “by the disappearance of the flight.
“Our prayers are with passengers, pilot and their loved ones during this difficult time,” he said.
They and names are about 150 miles from each other via Norton sound, the entrance to the Berinsian sea on the west coast of Alaska.

2025-02-08 23:48:00