Explosion for a car bomb in northern Syria kills 15 agricultural workers star-news.press/wp

At least 15 people, of whom 14 women, were killed in a car attack on a vehicle that transports agricultural workers in northern Syria, saying the first respondents.

Another 15 women were wounded by an explosion on the outskirts of Manbi, east of Aleppo, the Civil Defense Agency of Syria, also known as white helmets.

It was said that some were wounded in critical condition and warned that death style could rise.

There was no immediate claim of some armed bombing group, which was the most deadly than the rebel forced President Bashar Al-Assad in December.

It was also another bomb attack in Manbi in just three days.

On Saturday, two children and women were among the four people killed by an explosion on the street in the city center, Syria said the civilian defense.

Syrian Human Rights Observatory, Group for Monitoring in Great Britain, reported that the explosion was near military position and that nine people were killed, including several counter-fighters.

From the collapse of Assad’s regime, manbium and environment have seen intensive conflicts between the Fraction of the Syrian Army of the Syrian Army of Turkey (SNA) and the Syrian Democratic Force in Kurdish (SDF), which now support.

The dream has launched offensive to recording the territory west of the Euphrates River, which SDF held from the expulsion of the jihadist group of the Islamic State (IS) in 2016. Years.

Snre took control of Manbi 9. December, after the Fighters from the Serbian military council associated with the SDF withdrew. But since then, SDF performed counter-offensive.

2025-02-03 10:49:00

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