Disease control and prevention centers (CDCs) plan a large study in potential links between vaccines and autism, two sources familiar with the mother, despite extensive scientific research that have been revoked or failed to find evidence of such relationships.
It is unclear whether the Health Secretary Robert F Kennedy JR, which has a long promoted positions against vaccines, is included in the planned study of the CDC or in order to be performed. The CDC and the Ministry of Health and Human Services are not immediately available to comment.
The movement of the CDC comes in the middle of one of the largest outbreaks of the measles, the United States have seen each other in the last decade, with more than 150 cases and two deaths in Texas and Novi Mexico. The outbreak was encouraged by decreasing vaccination rates in parts of the United States where parents were false convinced that such recordings do more harm than good.
Kennedy, whose role includes power over the CDC, slowed down suspicion in the safety of the combined vaccine for measles, mumps and rubele (MMR). At the meeting in the cabinet, Kennedy in the beginning reduced the non-deceased child in Texas, the first such death in a decade, calling such epidemics and do not mention the role of vaccination to prevent measles.
During the weekend, Kennedy has published the pretending media outbound fox Fox’s news that promoted the role of vaccination, but also told parents vaccination and invited them to consult their doctor. Kennedy did not immediately answer the comment request.
Diagnosis of autism in the United States increased significantly since 2000. year, the public concerns are intensified. Many researchers attribute an increase in the diagnosis to the wider widespread overview and involvement of the wider range of behavior for describing the situation.
But some public figures have popularized that vaccines are guilty, an idea arising from the remarked study from the British researcher Andrew Wakefield in the late 1990s that connected the growth of the autism diagnosis with the wide use of MMRs for babies.
The causes of autism are not clear. No rigorous studies were found between autism and vaccines or drugs or their components such as timerosal or formaldehyde.
Donald Trump, in the Address Congress this week stated an increase in autism among children. “So, we’ll find out what you are, and there’s nobody better than Bobby and all the people working with you,” Trump said, referring to Kennedy.
Kennedy’s attitudes against the vaccine were worried among some republics. During the Kennedy’s hearing claw was Cassidy, the Republican Senator and the Louisiana Physician, proposed that the candidate rejects all the ties between vaccines and autism. Kennedy denied that he was against the vaccine, but he did not admit that such a relationship was reunified.
This week Cassidy was questioned by the Trump Phone to run the National Institute for Jaya Bhattachary, through his position on the research of the potential link between autism and childhood vaccination.
2025-03-07 16:50:00