California City Partners with US Beach Patroll for Beach with Mirrant Supervision California

Leaders of the southern California city of San Clemente, which are halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego, with American Customs and Border Protection to Set Update Camera along the City Beach to Broad Universe without Authorization.

Tuesday gathering of the City Council of the City, members ordered City Manager Andy Hall start coordination with customs and border protection (CBP).

Mayor Steven Knoblock – a Republican who was selected In November on a public security platform – he said The Los Angeles Times The cameras are intended to provide fishing boats, called Pangas, trying to agree on the coasts of San Clemente and down lower crime rates.

“People watched Pangasa sauconed illegal aliens, hitting our beach, and then scattered in the community or jumping in the van, who was parked nearby,” Knoblock said.

He added: “San Clemente had significant crime issues with sophisticated chili rings that hit our neighborhoods II further present a problem.”

California’s position is prohibited by law enforcement to cooperate with the Federal Immigration Authorities since 2017. when the state passed the Law “Sanctuary” in an effort to prevent mass deportations during the first trump. After the victory of Donald Trump in the election 2024. year, Governor of Democratic California Gavin News gathered legislators for a special legislative session of “Trump-proof” State. But since fires have been devastating a large part of Southern California, the state now requires federal reconstruction assistance.

Before members of San Clemente City Council voted to cooperate with the CBP on the camera initiative, the city was consideration Association of lawsuits against the Law on the Sanctuary of the State.

San Clemente Technically will not violate the State Law on the Sanctuary by coordinating with the CBP. The law especially prevents the implementation of the law to cooperate with the CBP, but SAN CLEENTE does not have its own police force. Instead, the city will work directly with the border patrol.

Knoblock suggested installing cameras running 24/7 and cover about 7 miles of territory.

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“I recommend that cameras are focused on an ocean with a rotating telescopic lens and a thermal night viewing shot,” Knoblock said. “This additional visibility hopes to provide a ban before (migrants) who hit our beaches.”

City officials are also considered ways to open access to the public.

This is not the first time in the Cnoblok’s challenge of the Law on the California Shrine. As a member of the City Council in 2022. years sponsored A measure calling for California to become a “haven for a living” – in contradiction with California laws that allow abortion.

Nor is it the first time California City challenged the state justice law for immigrants. In December, the San Diego County Sheriff said he would work with immigration and customs conducting in spite of state laws that prohibit such activity.

2025-02-07 06:00:00

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