Alarm as bird flu now ‘endemic in cows’ while Trump breaks staff and funding American news

The newer variant of bird flu h5n1 overturned into the milk cows separately in Nevada and Arizona, encouraged new theories about how the virus spreads and leads to questions about permanent outbreaks.

The news arrives in the middle of the purification of experts in federal agencies, including employees who responded to the highly pathogenic influenza epidemic in the United States of America’s disease control and prevention centers and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Additional precipers change experts to rare introduce a flock perhaps – with implications in the way prevent such expansion.

“It is now endemic in cows. There is no chance to contain it themselves,” Seema Lajdawala said, Virologist Grip and Ko-Director of the Transmission Center in the EMORY School of Medicine.

The current epidemic will probably not end without intervention and I need close attention to Trump administration to prevent the virus from being lost more desolation.

However, we do not seem to have lunch in the spread of the virus, “Soghuma Titanji said, a doctor for infectious disease.

The bird flu width is happening on the background of the worst season of the flu in 15 years, because H1N1 swine flu pandemics in 2009-10.

Spike in cases of seasonal flu is pressing health systems, it makes it difficult to detect rare variants such as H5N1, and increases the risk of re-transmission, where a person or animal infected with seasonal flu and bird flu can create a new, dangerous variant.

“There are lots of flu, so the potential for the virus is that now high now,” Laddawala said. There is also the possibility of re-processing within animals like cows, now that several variants have been discovered in herds.

At the same time, the CDC vaccination campaign was stopped on Thursday as well as the Health Secretary, Robert F Kennedy JR, allegedly long-term activist against vaccine, invited for “informed consent” commercials. Was a meeting for independent vaccine advisors deferred Thursday.

The United States has also stopped communication with the World Health Organization at the flu data.

The new toppy in the Milky Cattle in Nevada and Arizoni, were discovered through a new strategy of testing on a fairy milk in the United States, ie associated with the D1.1 variant of H5N1, which appeared in the fall and was dominated among North American birds. A teenager in British Columbia has suffered severe illness and man in Louisiani died after infection with this variant.

In Nevada, a dairy worker is infected after close contact with cows, and the genomine sequencing revealed a mutation that has been associated with more efficient expansion among people.

The more opportunities for the virus to continue to adjust, and by adaptation, we will eventually reach the point where we can have a virus that becomes able to effectively transmit between people, and that would indeed changed the dynamics of the outbreak, “Titanja said.

Lajdawala raised three theories for how bird flu perpetrated in the cows.

The first would be a rare event in which fluids from the sick bird somehow came into contact with cow thiefs – for example, if a bird that happened in milking equipment. It was a work theory for the first spillover, revealed almost a year ago in Texas cows. But rarely birds have close contact with milking equipment, and for it to happen three times “unlikely,” Laktawala said.

It is much more common for birds to move on feeding the trough, where their feces can be mixed with food. Usually cows infected with oral or nasal contact like this does not see that the virus is spreading to its nads.

But it could happen in rare events – if the cow is unhealthy, for example – that bird flu is going systematically and enter the dairy tissue, where it is replicated in huge quantities, the easier is hypothesized.

Third theory? People could spread a virus from birds or other intermediate species, to cows.

“A bird towards human infections, we know it happens more often,” Lamdawala said. “It is more likely that some handling of dead birds or chickens infected H5 become infected, and then it is human to cow” Transmission.

All these theories need more evidence and research, most of which now threatens stopping in scientific financing from the Trump Administration.

Two studies have been temporarily stopped in the morbidity and CDC mortality are now published.

Blood tests on 150 veterinarians discovered Three of Veterinas showed a recent infection with H5N1. One of the infected veterinarians worked in without cases between cows, and two others did not realize that they had contact with the H5-positive animal, which indicates continuous voids in supervision.

A studio On two households in Michigan, they indicated that milk workers may have spread H5N1 with their closed cats.

Kevin Hassett, director of the National Economic Council, presented a new Trump’s Administration Strategy for CBS Face the nation On Sunday in shift away from trying to contain the outbreak.

Previously, officials “spent billions of dollars only randomly killing chickens inside the rim in which they found sick chicken,” Hassett said. Infected poultry, thus cancelled because they are very likely to survive in the infection, and this retention can help stop spreading to other animals – and people who care about them.

Hassett has instead increased the idea, without providing more details, the use of “biological safety and drugs” to “have a better, smarter perimeter.”

2025-02-22 13:00:00

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