The CDC will explore a widely debent relationship between vaccines and autism

The centers for the control and prevention of diseases launch an expanded survey in understanding the autism and potential links between vaccines and autism, said the source that is familiar with the CDC.

The CDC is one of the agencies operating under the Umbrella of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Agency President Donald Trump selected by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead. The Senate confirmed him on the post in the vote from 52-48 last month.

The possibility of the connection between vaccines and autism has been expelled several times for hundreds of scientific studies. But Kennedy made himself as a crusade against vaccine, criticism of Kovin-19 vaccines and claiming that he was associated with autism from childhood. He also founded childhood health defense, group against vaccine.

Andrew Nixon, HHS spokesman, said in a statement that the CDC “delivers” on “high-quality research and transparency” expected.

The CDC research plans were first reported reuters.

Studies can often last several years. It is unclear what the methodology for such research would be, in order to be financed or when the results can be released or published.

Approximately $ 419 million is spent on the autism survey in the US every year.

“As the President Trump in the joint address told the Congress, the autism rate in American kids jumped. The CDC will not leave there no stone in their mission to understand exactly what happens,” Nixon said.

Speaking with the Congress on Tuesday, Trump said, “As an example, not even, and you can’t even believe in the 10,000, and now it’s wrong, so we’ll find out what” nobody’s better “than” realized “.

World Health Organization estimates In the past 50 years, the global immunization efforts saved at least 154 million lives – the vast majority of the newborn.

A myth that is a childhood immunization causing autism for the first time proposed 27 years ago a British doctor who was Later forbidden From practicing medicine in the UK.

Kennedy’s vaccine requirements were part of their independent presidential candidacy in 2024. years. He eventually left the race and supported Trump, who launched some Kennedy points in the Make America move.

Incoming director of CDC Dave Weldon and Kennedy Return for at least two decades in their shared vakcin control as a cause of autism.

In a From the receded 2005 roller stone A piece of false connecting the neurological disorders, Kennedy quoted by Weldon, and then-congressman, not interested in the sincere search, because the “association between vaccines and autism has forced their policies to prevented their policies in disapprecation of thousands of children. Who would like to bring that conclusion about yourself? ‘”

The news comes during the worst outbreaks of measles in the US in the last five years. The outbreak in Texas and Novi Mexico surpassed 200 cases, and at least 23 people – most of whom are non-cited children – hospitalized. One of the 6 years died in Texas last week, and health officials doubt additional death in the adult in Novi Mexico.

Most cases center around County in Texas with one of the largest rates of vaccination in the country.

In opinion Published on Sunday at Fox News, Kennedy called the decision to vaccinate “personal”. The HHS Secretary did not direct the public to obtain a crumbly vaccine for stains-rubel, instead by inviting parents to advise their own health care providers.

2025-03-08 23:46:00

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