Facetree raises $ 3 million to accelerate the invention of sustainable materials

Copenhagen -based Fassette A unique physics-first, using the AI-on-top method, increases $ 3 million from Hartco Capital to convert material to worldwide industries.

Our technology companies give a smart way to develop sustainable materials without trials and defects for years. Combines AI with basic science and automation, we help the industry to find the right materials quickly, reduce the cost and make green innovation more accessibleLuthraCEO of the Passette.

Initially in 2021, Amit Luthra, Jean Chang and Jenna Kong, Fascotry Advanced Computer Simulation and Multi-Scale Modeling Strategy converted the material to the millimeter scale from Atomic to millimeter scale from Denmark’s Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

It helps researchers and companies to save time and money by supporting the development of the next generation of materials for the future of green and more resources.

The company is currently working with batteries, automobiles and steel producers.

With China is controlling most rare earth supply chains And Limit the export of rare earth processingGlobal industries face the risk of crisis, growing expenditure and environmental concerns, making alternative materials more critical than ever.

However, developing new materials for batteries, solar panels and air turbines usually takes 20 years due to timely trial-and-trunk lab exams.

This is where the Facetry is watching their platform coming up with multi-scale simulation, lab automation and AI to summarize the process in two years.

Instead of relying on AI assumptions, the fascist uses the proven scientific methods and enhances them with AI to make more accurate prediction. As a result of this approach, researchers allow the forecast to predict the real-world performance before the lab test.

Facetree actively detects new chemical combinations and skilled ways to synthesize them, developing green, more efficient and sustainable materials while reduce waste and dependence on rare resources such as fossil fuels and rare earth metals.

This investment helps us to advance our technology, to raise our research team and bring sustainable materials to the market, help the industry adopt faster than ever beforeJean Hune ChangCo-founder of CTO and Facetree.

Substances play an important role in the development of clean energy and sustainable technology. Fascotry makes it easier and faster to find better options that can help reduce environmental effects and improve skillsChristian Lindegard JepsenPartner in the Capital of Hartco.

Funds will help to expand the team, strengthen the research, and to make transportation and construction, electronics and healthcare faster and more accessible, finally accelerating the transformation of green technology.


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