Dominion V. Fox News starts defamation trial this week

What did the fox say?

A Short presented by FoxThe company attached to the claims of voting machines, because the presidents were seated and were people close to him, therefore, were news.

“Adapted by a president to challenge the election results and make an attempt to return to the result of his election innovation,” archiving states. “The media all over the country and around the world, therefore, was given an extensive comment on the allegations of the Lehendakari.”

Fox maintained “Fox News filled his commitment to his commitment and quite comments, adding some hosts skeptically, expected by others; everyone admitted that they are great news.”

The network has complained to cover the denial of Dominion and tell business opportunities in its part.

“After all, Fox News protected the first corrections: the public was assured that the reporter and new information could be” unparalleled events that would help to develop quickly, strong and extensive discussions “. a Court archive By Fox’s lawyers.

Fox also claimed that “Dominion’s lawsuit is an attack on the first correction and free press.”

Who expects to stand?

According to Related pressCarlson, Hannity and Murdoch is expected to testify. Many also believe that Pirro, Scott and former hosts will also take Lou Dobbs.

Will you be able to see it on TV?

No camera will be accepted by the Delaware Forensic Policy, and the judge recently asked the media companies to broadcast audio experts.

What are the possible results?

If the Fox is lost, the company is likely to be stuck with hard payment, his stock prices may have great success and his reputation would be ruined. If Fox News argues for losing, the case argues that the case will damage the press freedoms and the first amendment.

“A free flow, a strong American discourse depends on the protection of the first change in the press conference. New York Times.

If domain loses, the media defamation bar not only very high, fox news and other networks would broadcast more falsity in the future.

“If the Fox is lost, it is a thing that says that there are limits for propaganda, to lie down on TV … to disinformation of your audience,” said Jay Rosen, Journalism Journalism Professor at New York University Cnn. “If Fox has won, he says the opposite, there is no limit.”

What happens in the Dominion trial is far from the end of Fox News’s problems. In 2021, Smartmatic, a global technology company in London presented a 2,7 trillion dollars of defamation Maria Bartiroomo against Fox News and Fox Business, Trump’s former lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Dobbs.

The lawsuit network provided false claims for smart voting machines and 2020 elections. About a month ago, in the Supreme Court of New York State Manhattan went on to pursue a smart case.

2023-04-18 13:28:00

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