How to play Benny Parker

Peni Parker is a spider of the future, but instead of relying on the mutations or improvements themselves, it has a mechanical counterpart to fill its role on the web. Peni is a wonderful “preparation” tank that excels in refusing the area, if it has time to prepare. Weak when pressing, shine when defending fixed goals, making it difficult for enemies to deal with them without damaging them, and breaking themselves on the walls of their large defense.

What are the capabilities of Benny Parker?

Cyber ​​-Web Cluster (Basic attack – left -click / RT) – the basic ability of Peni, this automatic automatic attack ranges from one targeted damage. Simple and direct to this point.

Spider -Sweeper (Ultimate – L3+R3) – The spider suit gets four additional arms and begins to run, attack the enemies and hit them in the air. It also puts the electronic internet everywhere you go, and you can use the primary and secondary attack buttons to create mines and drones quickly. Because of this function, you can eventually stand out to both the damage of the deal to the enemies and Prepare your defenses, and create dangerous areas for enemies while acquiring the speed and recovery bonus. A great way to re -enter the space, or enter a hot objective point.

Peni Parker.

Screenshot: Netease / kotaku

Bionic Spider-NST (LB)-Create a spider’s nest that creates the spider to attack the enemies, and publish the electronic networks that give Peni a batch of movement and recovery over time. The additional recovery gives it the validity of the reward, which makes this first step when it reaches an objective point or a group of enemies.

ARARCHNO -MINE (Right Mouse Click) – Peni releases a mine on the ground. Put it on the electronic internet to provide them. When you guard the base or prepare your defenses, you already have a set of simple spider -created spider and more electronic networks around them, start preparing them to arrest enemies. The narrow passages are the best.

CYBER-BOND (B / Circle)-PENI option to swing on the Internet, although it removes it from point A to B, so it is less than Spider-Man and Venom. It creates the Internet where it sticks. It confuses you to the target point by default, so press the button again to separate yourself. It can also link you to current electronic networks or spider lovers, which brings you back to the anchor point if you are far away. A great way to avoid paying it by enemies.

SPLM (A / CROSS) – like other web factors, PENI can use this to walk on the walls. Use this to accelerate your way across the level and get the goals faster, giving you more time to set the traps.

Cyber ​​-web Snare (LT) – a multi -use step, you can attach it to the surfaces to create a network that makes Peni move faster and gradually healing. If you already have complete health, you will get the reward of the reward instead. You can also use Bond Cyber ​​on the web to your electronic network stains. You can also shoot on the Internet to the enemies to freeze them, which makes it a great way to stop strategists and thickens in their paths, which facilitates their exit.

Team ability: Emor ExpulSion (Y / Triange) – When she collaborated with Venom, Peni can activate Symbiote to expel enemies steadily and damage.

A big battle in the competitors of the miracle that appears to be terrible.

Screenshot: Netease / kotaku

How should I play Benny Parker?

If you play well, Peni can wear alone if you have additional processors and have time to prepare it, but it is better served as a secondary tank whose mission is to defend specific areas and vegetable traps. Associated with a shield tank like Magneto or Dr. Strange or GROOT, incredibly strong supplements. She also marries well with diving tanks such as poison, CAP and Thor to stay smart and mobile, with good damage to groups.

Ultimately use it to move before moving objective points, making it much easier to continue paying, or attacking your team to push the enemies from their goal and soon creates an unsuccessful position.

Peni on the web and retail on the wall means that you should also try to think vertically. Use your movement to manipulate enemies, prepare defenses and make it difficult for them to maneuver through ChokePoints and Puffation.

In the hands of a skilled player, it is difficult to kill Benny, and it is very difficult for the enemies of her enemies. Good luck there!

2025-02-27 19:15:00

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