Ukraine confirms the mass accident of the Russian rocket at the military range

Ukrainian general confirmed Monday that the Russian army performed a missile strike on a training ground in the central region of Dnipropetrovsk in Ukraine.

The commander of the Earth’s forces of Ukraine warned Ukraine that failed to prevent the strike “Everyone will be responsible,” the investigation to investigate how it happened.

Newsweek They contacted the Russian government and Ukraine External Ministry of Comment E-mail Monday.

Wider image

It is rarely for Ukrainian or Russian authorities to confirm the death cases in the war. Both sides remained the narrow in the war because the conflict began on 24. February 2022. Years. The Ukrainian army, as well as Russia, faced with a lack of labor, such as the full war near its third anniversary.

What to know

Ukrainian General Major Mykhailo Drapety, which was appointed commander of the Earth Forces of Ukraine, issued a strongly mentioned statement on Monday, suggesting certain individuals “failed to act in time.”

In the post on his telegram channel, he called the “horrible consequence of the enemy stroke,” by adding that “anger eats on me inside.”

“The war requires rapid decisions, responsibility and new safety standards – we will lose more than we have,” said, all those who did not force them, everyone will be responsible. No one will hide behind the explanation or formal reports. “

The Russian Ministry of Defense initially said that Russian troops launched the Iskander-M Balistine strike on a training ground near the DNIPRO in the attack on Ukrainian 150 troops and up to 30 foreign instructors. Russia said that the ServiceMen was from 157. Mechanized Brigade of Ukrainian Armed Forces passed in the field.

Russian rocket launcher Iskender-e is one presentation at the International Military Technical Forum ‘Armia 2022’, 1722. In Patriot in the Patriot Park, outside Moscow, Russia.

Associate / Getty Images

Ukrainian officials have not yet confirmed the number of dead or injured.

Drapety said an independent audit involving a military consistence, “so no detail is neglected, and the fault is called and cannot” escape with it. “

Ukrainian State Investigation Bureau also said in Monday that he opened an investigation and “criminal proceedings to death and a violation of Ukrainian services as a result of the Russian missile strike at training in the Dnipropetrovsk region.”

What do people say

General General Mykhailo Drapaty said on his telegram on Monday: “I demand the hardest punishment. Those who continue to perform their duties and formally over the years of war, those who” draw “the military in obsolete procedures, ignore their security, but oppresses their subordinates – all embarrassment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“We are witnessing premature decisions and unpleasant lessons. I once again call all generals, officers, armed forces, bureaucracy and frivolity. Each of us is responsible for our brothers. And in the fight. And in battle and rear.”

What happens next

No date has been announced when the Ukrainian investigation would be concluded.

2025-03-03 14:25:00

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