China did not admit to developing the new Supercarrier and Liu Peny, the spokesman for the Embassy in Washington, had no comments on the question about the new design. He said that the national defense policy of the country is “Pure Defense Nature”.
Now, however, the secret did not bring to China to see as a priority. The Secretary of Defense Pete Hesgeth said in NATO leaders this month to take more security burdens in Europe to free US firears.
He said that they were now facing “peer competitor in Communist Chinese Chinese, with the ability and intention to threaten our homeland and fundamental national interests in Indo-Pacific.” He added that now “prioritely distracting the war with China in the Pacific Ocean”.
Duitsman said that it was not unusual to see the Chinese building of the new ship before they undertake the final construction, and similar efforts were seen for years before the keel is set for Fujian, the first carrier to be designed in China.
The two trails seen in the latest satellite images are launched at convergent corners, matching the general configuration of American supercards who have four electromagnetic catapults – two parallel parallels on the port, and two on the waist. Due to the restriction of space on the flight on the deck do not run in parallel, they are converging already.
One of the reasons this special interconnection took over the type 004 carrier. Prototyping builds would, are the electromagnetic catapults themselves, according to Seth Hosford, another researcher in the center of James Martin.
Firstly arranged by the United States on the Ford Class brackets, these catapults are attached to the nose of the airplane, quickly pass it forward and allows it to be removed. This is achieved in essence with large magnets, unlike pairs of pistons used on older American carriers.
Fujian uses this technology for their two catapults embedded on the bow, but they are spaced quite far, and Hosford said that magnetic fields of these two catapults probably mix.
The module seen in Dalians has two songs quite close, and Hosford said “if you have electromagnetic catapults essentially intersecting, you could come across all sorts of problems.”
Satellite photos from Dalian are not the first signs that China moves towards the construction of Supercarcarcarcarcarieri in nuclear energy to rival those that the United States were condom.
In November, a group of analysts on the Middlebury International Studies, which James Martin Center, has published satellite evidence that China has already built a Prototype Navy Reactor for a large surface warship. In the modern age, only Supercarriri guarantees such an electricity system.
China itself did not perform the secret of its ambitions for the so-called navy sailor to the blue-water to reduce the United States and the development of the carrier.
After the renovated and then building copies of Varyaga, the former Soviet carrier of China bought from Ukraine, China built Fujian, a large rack that sits only below the Supercarrier class size and weapons, but has many Supercardar Cartriar.
Neither Lexiong, on Friday, Friday, Friday, should not have problems with a nuclear power supply “, whether he was still needed in the era of an aircraft with the focus on the shabby attacks,” he said.
Liu, a spokesman of the Chinese Embassy, insisted that his country would never deal with aggression and expansion, but we will never give up their legitimate rights and interests, and we will decide to oppose all threats and challenges. ”
“China has always adhered to the self-defense strategy and is not included in the weapon race with any other country,” he said, adding that “always undertook concrete actions to protect world peace and injection into the world.”
2025-03-02 10:00:00