Nearly $ 3 million in cocaine, caught from the Canadian Canadian trucks across the border caught

The large submissions from Canada Met and Cocaine served almost $ 3 million on the border of Alberta on December and January in two different days.

The Canadian Lorder Service Agency (CBSA) said 186 kg metamphetamine and 42 kg cocaine intercepted from two commercial trucks who seek to entry in southern pillars in Alberta.

The first seizure took place on December 24, 2024, when CBSa officers studied a commercial truck that carried a mixed load-focused charge for CBSA.

In the study, CBS said the officers noticed abnormalities that led to the Karan Metamphetamine discovery of the lime, which had a value of $ 1.86 million.

The second finding was made three weeks later in the same entry port, which is crossed by Alberta.

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Canadian Border Services agencies 186 kg Metamphetamine and 42 kg kidnapped Cocaine trying to join Canada in Canada in the port of southern entrance to the southern Alberta entrance.

Courtesis: Canadian Border Services Agency

On January 18, CBS said another commercial truck that leads mixed shipping, aimed at Kalgary, was directed to the secondary exam.

In search, the government agency said that the officers were found two cardboard boxes in a truck trailer with many cocaine bricks.

In total, officials found 42 kg cocaine, calculating a value of more than a million dollars.

“These significant seizures are examples of the dedication and specialization of CBSA, every day, illegal drugs, fentanyl and violating our limits,” David McGuinty said its limits.

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“Canadian safety and security is our top priority.”

In both cases, the CBS was arrested by the driver, which were transferred under the custody of Alberta RCMP.

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“Illegal drug destroys life and causes serious damage to communities,” said Lisa Moreland’s Commissioner Commissioner, Commander of the Regional Western Region of RCMP.

“RCMP is committed to sharing intelligence and working closely with the Canadian Border Services and the Law of International Law. Illegal, dangerous and toxic drugs to stop our towns and cities in our cities in Canada.”

Click the video to play: 'Alberta presents the Red Zone Border Patrol Plan for dealing with illegal activity'

Alberta presents the Red Zone Border Patrol Plan for dealing with illegal activity

These final seizures were nearly $ 2 million in Koka (189 kg) were walking to Canada, across November 2024 during the border border.

Drug seizure was placed several high profile measures, during the US border of Canada at the highest American pressure, to stop illegal boundaries and drug traffic.

Duane Bratt Royal Mountains of the Political University Donald Trump caught the North Poke holes in the U.S. Presidents to threaten Donald Trump to threaten various tariffs against Canada.

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“This was never about fentanyl, never about the border,” Bratt Trump said Trump said that many stuccocates like Fentanyl said to America from the border.

Instead, Canada seems to have a bigger reverse problem.

“That’s where most of the seizures are going on, which is where the problem is,” Bratt said the next drug.

“Ask (security ministers) Mike Ellis. You know, talking about drug flow from the US to Canada. This is not what Trump administration says, and it’s not what (Alberta Premier) says Danielle Smith.”

Bratt said Trump again tells nothing if it is true or not. While Smith continues to indicate the desire to negotiate with Trump, Bratt certainly stated the effectiveness of this strategy.

“I don’t know what his real end game is in the border? Is the US treasure? Canada negotiated an appendix.

“His word, his signature, almost nothing means.”

Trump said the Canadian rates are moving “fast” and “in time”

Last month, RCMP turned the border care, bringing the Hawk a black helicopter to patrol the Alberta border.

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The government also spreads other safety measures, such as the use of drones and surveillance towers and acquiring new technologies, such as x-rays, x-rays and chemical analyzers.

In December 2024, the joint strike force and the “clock” proposes an air surveillance unit for entry ports, within the plan to deal with problems in the Canadian USA, Trump is growing from President Donald.

The strength of the North American strike was one of several calls from the economic expression of the government’s fall, which announced $ 1.3 billion to address the safety measures of the edges.

& Copy 2025 Global News, Corus Entertainment Inc. division.

2025-02-25 21:39:00

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