Ken Rosenthal opened a bakery cafe St. In the Louis field, he had a sour bread as his star, and he built a small chain in a small chain, died on February 14, Scottsdale, Ariz. He was 81.
His wife, Linda Rosenthal said the cause was Alzheimer’s disease.
Mr. Rosenthal had no interest in running the retail bakery in the mid 1980s, he and his wife had a female outfit shop called Chesterfield (Mo. neighborhood).
“I was a person who never entered a kitchen, was much less understood,” said after 1997 after SAN LOIS shipping.
But his brother, Don, had told him about a business: like a sourdougar bakery Bakery, He visited San Francisco. For months, Mr. Rosethal visited the bakery.
Surprised to see what he saw, he asked the owner, to teach Roger Brunello, sour secrets. Next year, he trained Mr. Brunello and in October 1987. In Kirkwood, in a San Luis neighborhood, it has 10 types of bread (including in many forms of forms). Several croissants, Danishes and some muffins and sandwiches.
“Roger helped him at the store and told him, for sure, are you sure how you put it in the oven?” “Mrs. Rensenthal, known as Laya, remembered a laugh with a laugh.
He and his husband took the jump, which was more difficult to compete in the great outfit shops.
“We didn’t lose anything,” he said. “We played everything.” Kenlyn sold shortly after Saint Louis Bread Company, “Bread Co.” Local Louis Bread.
Interviewed by a local TV station Six months after the opening, Mr. Rosenthal highlighted that the new business required 2 mothers every day
“You need to change your life, you need to change the things you have done; I know people don’t call me after a certain hour,” he said. “You should take the napas once. But I have fun.”
He added, “Creating a sour bread, such as a slow and tiring process and is difficult for a large commercial bakery to create this type of product.”
Kenneth Jay Rosenthal was born on April 11, 1943, St. In Louis, Herman Rosenthal, a woman’s clothing store and ADIS (ECKOT) a rosenthal, a pattern manufacturer. He graduated from the University of Missouri University University, participated in the University of Community and continued his father’s path by becoming a women’s clothing vendor in 1963.
He married Linda Kramer in 1969.
In Karstev, 1970, Karstv, Mo. Charles, Mo. He bought the clothes store, and later brought a partner, with whom he opened the second Carsteva in 1975 in Chesterfield. In 1980, he and the partner were divided; His partner took the St. Carlos store, and Mr. Rosenthal and his wife took the latter and changed Kenlyn.
Deviation of Mr. Rosenthal to the goods in the oven dresses for women He proved a smart. From 1987 to 1993, he and his three partners (those who joined him at different times) was the first cafeteria to open a chain of 20 shop in Missouri and Atlanta.
After the death of Mr. Doron Berger, Doron Berger said: “At St. Louis at the time, there was no competition. That was part of the Genius of Ken, who tried to talk about the first location First, but he continued anyway. “
In November 1993, the Public Bon pain was obtained by the Saint Louis bread company for $ 24 million. At the time, au Bon Mina had 172 bakery cafes at the national level, and Saint Louis bread accounted for $ 14.6 million in the previous 10 months.
“It’s been a good time to sell,” said the shipment sent by Mr. Rosenthal. “We moved to a company 20 store organization, we needed external funding, and we wanted to be a greater concept organization.”
In 1995, under the ownership of Au Bon Mine, there were 59 Saint Louis Bread Bakery Cafes; In 1997, when the name of the company was changed (except in the St. Louis market, except bread, he had more than 200 shops for franchise.
In 1998, he agreed to sell to the restaurants of the name Au Bon pain and change his corporation name.
In 2017, Panera was sold in Jab Holding, for $ 7.5 million, Mr. Rensenthal and his partners paid more than 300 times. That year, Jab bought au Bon pain, uniting to Panera.
Panera currently has 2,230 restaurants In the United States, the second casual restaurant category (Chipotle Grilled in Mexico), Restaurant by business magazine.
Mr. Rosenthal, at the same time, became the panera franchisee in 1997. His company, worldwide breads, were nearly 100 Panera restaurants in Ohio and Colorado, 2002. He lived throughout the year since 2019 in Scottsdale, a year after the last one of the world’s restaurants in the world.
“The company has sold and returned as a franchise. He loved,” Craig Flom, his son and world management breads.
In addition to his wife and his brother, Mr. Rosenthal lives two daughters, Carlye Flom and Kari Rosenthal; Two sons, Eric and Scott; and 13 grandchildren.
Mr. Rosenthal explained his official style when he made post posted posted in 1997.
“I’ve always been the best when I’m completely challenged,” he said. “When things need to be routine with me, I think I lose a little interest.
“I’m not a great operator. I’m a better pioneer than anything else.”
2025-02-23 22:25:00