summary: Chronic stress weakens the brain’s ability to treat sounds, which requires higher stimuli to cause natural responses, according to a new research in mice. Scientists have found that stress affects inhibitory brain cells, which suppress responses to low earthquake sounds while maintaining an allergy to higher noise. This transformation may be caused by the number of excessive activity of SST cells, which discourages other neurons involved in auditory treatment.
The results indicate that stress not only changes emotional responses, but also affects how the brain realizes neutral sensory information. These changes can have effects on sensory disorders related to stress, such as hypersensitivity or difficulty liquidation of background noise. The research highlights the extensive effects of tension on the function of the brain and opens the door for future studies on sensory treatment under chronic stress conditions.
Main facts
- Decreased sound processing: Chronic stress reduces the brain’s response to the most quieter sounds while maintaining allergies to higher sounds.
- Nervous inhibition increases: SST inhibitory cells become under pressure, and the suppression of other neurons involved in auditory perception.
- The broader sensory effects: Stress may change how the brain processes not only emotional stimuli, but also daily neutral sensory inputs.
source: Ben Gurion University in Negif
Chronic stress changes the way our brain treatment appears, according to a new research conducted on mice at Ben Gurion University in Negif. For example, sounds should be higher than chronic stress to run similar responses.
It is known that chronic stress affects learning and decision -making, but can it also affect how we hear?

Dr. Jennifer Residence from the Department of Life Sciences at Ben Gurion University, began finding whether stress affects essential brain functions, such as treating sounds.
We know that chronic stress is a dangerous factor for many mental and sensory disorders. However, there is little research on how to treat neutral sounds under chronic pressure. “
Its results were just published in Biology Plos.
Dr. Rissenick’s research did not focus on how stress affects the ear itself. Instead, her team studied how chronic stress changes auditory treatment in the brain, using mice to detect how stress changes the way the sounds are interpreted. Discover a clear effect of chronic stress on the audio responses over time.
The sounds at the lower decibel levels greatly led to the weakest reactions with the continued stress, while the mice maintained strong responses to the upper Despell sounds.
They also discovered that this effect may be driven by one type of inhibitory cells becomes more active under frequent stress and suppression of other cells.
They found that the SST cells in the brain began to launch more powerfully when a sound was turned on while the activities of hierarchical and photovoltaic energy decreased. This may explain the relief of sounds, according to Dr. Rissenick.
She concluded that “our research indicates that repeated stress not only affects our reactions to emotionally charged stimuli – it may also change how daily neutral stimuli responds.”
Among the additional researchers were her students: Ghattas Bisharat, Ekaterina Kaganovski, HILA Sapir, Anita Temnogorod and Tal Levy.
Dr. Racnik is also a member of the Zelman Center for Brain Science Research.
Finance: The research was supported by the Israel Foundation for Science (grant No. 725/21).
About this stress and auditory neuroscience research
author: Ehud Zion Waldoks
source: Ben Gurion University in Negif
communication: Ehud Zion Waldoks-Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
image: The image is attributed to news of neuroscience
The original search: Open access.
“Repeated stress gradually weakens auditory treatment and perceptionWritten by Jennifer Racnik and others. Biology Plos
a summary
Repeated stress gradually weakens auditory treatment and perception
Repeated stress, which is a common feature in modern life, is a major risk factor for psychological and sensory disorders.
Despite the spread of perceptions of these disorders, much is not known about how frequent stress affects sensory treatment and perception.
Here, we combine frequent stress in mice, the longitudinal measurement of cortical activity, and auditory guided behaviors to test whether the sound processing and the perception of neutral sounds in adults are modified by frequent stress.
We have found that frequent stress changes sound treatment, increasing automatic cortical activity while reducing responses that were evoked for sound in hierarchical and PV cells and increased responses that have been stimulated in SST cells.
These amendments to auditory treatment were crowned in cognitive transformations, especially a decrease in sound perception.
In addition, our work reveals that the effect of stress on perception is gradually developing with the continued stress over time, while emphasizing the dynamic and developed nature of this mechanism.
The results we have found provides an insight into a possible mechanism through which frequent stress changes sensory treatment and behavior, which challenges the idea that stress mainly adjusts emotionally charged stimuli.
2025-02-11 21:03:00