The Jewish man is wrong with two Israeli tourists for Palestinians and opens them fires on them in Miami Florida

The Jewish man on the beach Miami is facing the charges of attempted murder after the charges opened on two men who believed that they were Palestinians, but allegedly shown that they were izrelci.

According to documents about the arrest, he appeared at 9.30 on Saturday Supervisory Videos shows Mordechai Brafman, 27, leaving his truck and opening a fire with a semi-automatic gun in the vehicle while passing. Brafman allegedly shot 17 times, hit one victim in his left shoulder and grazing other left forearms.

While in custody, Brafman spontaneously told Detective that he led his truck, “he saw two Palestinians and shot and killed and” killed, “arrested documents.

Act officials have not confirmed whether victims are in fact Palestinians and Miami Herald They reported that the two of the rest of the Israelites were actually, named as Ari Rabey and his father.

Facebook posts after the show Rabey in Jackson Memorial Hospital and his hyundai with several holes and bullet marks.

The output reported that Monday afternoon, Brafman, the alleged shooter, is held in the Miami-Dade Penitentiary at the two points of trying to kill another degree.

Further complicates the incident, one of the injured men allegedly published the “death of Arabs” in a message on social media after shooting. “My father and I went through an attempted murder against anti-Semitic background”, ” He wrote.

The Council of Chapter of Florida Americal-Islamic relations called for the federal crime of hate crimes in the shooting.

“It is deeply ironic and says that the alleged pro-Israel perpetrator and the Pro-Israel victim in Miami on the beach on the beach allegedly hold the racist antestinean views,” said National Director Caira, Nihad Awad, on x.

“This is only the latest example of hate that targeted the Palestinian American community in this country and Palestinians in their homeland. Policiness makers should stop being subject to genocide in Gaza and hate crimes in America. “

2025-02-17 20:15:00

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