StemiteStem cell therapy, a tamp-based biotech startup developer for the recovery, has collected € 2.3 million to advance stemite towards clinical trials for limble stem cell deficit (LSCD), a certain type of corneal blindness.
The fund of the funds included the participation of Voaima Ventures, Finnish Family Office (Stephen Industries Inc. and Bioth W.), Private Investors and Business Finland.
These funds will enable the original estimated study, research and development expansion and producing pilots, will move and bring stemite toward clinical trials ”New hope for patients with unnecessary corneal blindnessThe “
Accordingly LauraCEO and Founder on the stemite: “We are grateful for the continued assistance of Vima Venture in the lead in leading the round and very happy to welcome new investors on our journey to cure blindness. This fund shows that they believe in our outlook for the stemite and world -class team that we have combined to make that attitude lively. We are working on the cutting edge of regeneration drugs, and we are eager to push science into new bordersThe “
Established in 2021 by Haley Scottman and Laura Kovusalo, stemite develops advanced stem cell therapy to bring back the vision of serious corneal blindness patients. The goal of the company is to transform the treatment options to weaken the conditions of the octa. In the main part of this, the stemite Nobel Prize-winning Pluripotent Stem (IPS) can create the cell technology in a scalcable, expensive manner.
In contrast to the traditional donor-dependent solutions, the easily available in the stemite, off-shelf therapy provides a scleble, consistent and accessible option-according to stemite. Combining corneal cells with biometerials, the company provides a target, donor-related solution for vision loss.
The first goal of the stemite is the limble stem cell deficit (LSCD), a rare but serious condition that leads to corneal blindness. In the future, the agency expands its pipeline to deal with additional oakal diseases, extending its effect on recovery.
Steena WalmarkLife Sciences Investment Director in Voima Venture, added: “For reproductive drugs, the innovative method of stemite stands for us for the biotek space. Addressing serious corneal blindness through the use of emerging stem cell therapy, they are coming up with hope for patients who have no alternative to existing treatment. The stemite work at LSCD is just the beginning – this technology has the potential to convert global vision care. We are proud to continue their journey in pioneer solutions for patients worldwide.“
According to stemite, corneal blindness is a global challenge that affects more than 12 million people. Their lead products are designed to cure LSCD using the functioning cells obtained from IPS cells. The goal of this approach is to provide a one -time, scaleable solution for patients who otherwise have no treatment for treatment.
According to statistics provided by stemite, LSCD affects about 23 patients in Europe and the United States, often caused by chemical burns or fireworks injuries that damage corneal surface regenerative cells, causing severe blindness.
Currently, half of LSCD patients lack any effective access to any effective treatment, which highlights the urgent need for new therapeutic solution.
The stemite donor, beyond the LSCD, plans to resolve the global deficit of the cornea, waiting for 12.7 million people to replace. By developing scaleable, off-shelf cell therapies, stemite tries to provide vision-re-treatment treatment to millions of people worldwide who lacks access to the traditional transplant replacement options.