Price threat: discomfort among Main Americans

American Maine are concerned about seeing trade relations, but also personal neighbors with neo-brunswickois.

Family business AutotonticsInstalled Frenchville Since 1958 in Maine, it can already have commercial tensions in Canada and the United States.

The company builds and maintains emergency vehicles and has several customers in Canada. In particular, Edmundston has designed and installed the beacons of urban emergency vehicles.

The autotronics company has installed Emergency Vehicle Baizes in Edmundston City.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Allyson Dubé

But this contract has broken indefinitely from Monday.

The city of Edmundston is satisfied with the company’s services, but temporarily retired due to the threat of 25% of the President Donald Trump.

OwnerAutotonticsPaul Daigle does not accuse the municipality for this boycott.

That’s a way of saying that they don’t likeHe thinks Paul Daigle.

Half of customersAutotontics It’s Canadian. His owner expects things to be established rapidly, otherwise it will need to find other customers.

US municipalities on the lookout

Madawaska is located in front of Edmundston, on the other side of the Saint-Jean River.

The General Manager of David Daigle is concerned that his community is concerned about it and people say that it is a rumor of social and commercial relations in the face of the price threat.

David Daigle in his office, the table of a white eagle.

David Daigle Madawaska is the General Manager of the municipality in Maine.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Allyson Dubé

In the case of what happens, Madawaska and Edmundston would affect our two economies Explains David Daigle.

Great trade chamber Fort Kent It’s still optimistic.

Our community is one’s own, I think it would be correct. Would be the wood industry which would beComment Job malyukDirector General of the Organization.

Two countries, a community

The social attachment is special for the communities that serve as a boundary between the two countries.

Frozen river, bridge.

The Saint-Jean river separates the Boundary of Canada and the United States in northwestern Brunswick.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Allyson Dubé

For example, several Americans of North Maine were born in Edmundston, where the hospital was still closest. Others have siblings in Canada.

We are two common communities that are separated from the border, but lives a lot from our family in Edmundston. We are connected with family and acadic cultureDit David Daigle.

I, Canadians belong to family. I never came out with an American, I’ve always been with Canadian womenHe said laughing, Robert Michaud, American citizen.

You want to give us your help and help us, do your partIn his part, he believes in Roland Bourgoin, another neighbor of Madawark.

Canadian import prices pause imposing to the United States until March 4th.

2025-02-08 11:36:00

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