The Celebanic TV Contractor Mike Holmese has had a public statement In FacebookCcy Of the importance of contractors who can perform electrical safety and non-work.
Comments arrived after a day CBC Research Report A company approved by Holme, AGM’s renewal, is facing construction complaint allegations, including safe electrical work.
“Electrical security is essential and is a real estate red line for my teams and associations,” Holmesek wrote on Thursday on a Facebook message.
CBCs Rotoc Also, reported The approval of Holmes’s AGM last week, as part of a wider research in homemade protected domestic projects.
Holmes has been based on Ofthate-based renewal company ads, such as “No risk hiring contractors: trust agm.”
After the AGM, Agm is researching the Electric Security Authority (ESA) of Ontario, after electrical security violations, the AGM website disappeared in Holmes website.
The AGM video ads in Holmes are also taken from the Internet.
The Holmes company, the Holmes team, has not responded to AGM’s electrical themes and ESA research comments.
But Holmes’s Facebook comment recommends suspending links with AGMA for research.
It doesn’t seem to work when the rules are following, “it is a protocol that is set, where all the association is suspended until all research and evaluations are completed.”
Holmes also said: “We know that actions that attract this possible suspension can be used to become public and negatively portraying it, but we stop taking immediate actions.”

Holmes further expressed “the process and procedures to investigate potential electrical issues that ESA may have. “
Since 2021The Holmes team has been in a partnership paid with ESA. In online videos, Holmes talks about electricity security, such as the importance of achieving the work permit and the permitted electrician.
‘Fire risk’
CBC News said Holmes’s Oniria said that both families affect the decision to choose AGM’s decision for housing projects – they say.
Two customers complained of shoddy work by AGM, including electrical problems.
In each case, AGM did not obtain the necessary permission for electrical work. In one case, the Cartier family in Barrie, Ont, the company did not use electricians, according to the documentation observed in CBC. The cardimizers hired authorized electricity “The established electrical installation was indicated in the report indicated that it is a fire risk.”
“Furious, we were very angry. Our house is sleeping our children,” Eric Cartier said. “We trusted AGM to do well and leave the house safe.”
A renovation company in Mike Helmes is being researched by the electricity authority of the security and when CBC news began asking questions about AGM’s renewales, the announcement of the famous contractor disappeared.
AGM denies a wrong and said no record of a study by the ESA. The company did not answer the question about unlicensed electricians.
Holmes, AGM’s operations management, evaluation balls, Evaldi Ball, “when he speaks” in the transition phase “said it is” refreshing brand “.
At the end of Facebook post, Holmes said: “I am who I am and I will continue to do the efforts to help others.”
2025-02-08 09:00:00