Threatens populist supermowers, Europe is too needed by a dose of patriotism Lorenzo Marsili

WithQueezed between American Maligarhi and Russian and Chinese autocracy, European democracies stand out as a relic from the past age. The euphoria and sheep groupage on the screen on the inauguration of Donald Trumpa last month can well emphasize or American American “golden age” or a hybrist bubble that should burst. It is possible that China will succeed in reshaping the world in its picture, or may be subject to Demographic slump and Economic stagnation. Europe is not alone in historical crossroads, but exclusively stained pessimismdepletion and self-confidence.

1492. year, as Christopher Columbus landed in America, and Spain moved alone golden ageOr the golden age, Spanish troops noticed to take over the great parts of Italy. The greatest concentration of wealth in Europe was in cities such as Florence, Milan and Venice. Cities of beauty and politeness, industry and trade; Cities, above all, so enchanted their specific identities that refused to form a unitary state. The eventual result was the partition of the Italian peninsula. There was no room for rival city countries in the world of people.

Clean parallels exist with Europe’s fragmentation today. He is facing the world in which so-called “Countries of civilization“Organized around the cultural tradition, not politics, took over from the Nation State. And simply hoping Russian military expansionism, Chinese Industrial delayOr American tariff threats will galvan the offense of ambitions in European medium-sized countries will not cut it. Fear, alone, the factor is paralyzed.

EU leaders discuss the conversation on “Sonjan Responses” to target Trump’s latest tariff threat. But in reality, they barely moved through the self -estallation, self-victimization and fear of American and Chinese power. Instead, we need to recruit courage and hunger for the future and give up some of our love manners in the world that is truly not polite.

Of course, we must remain faithful for the moral preaching of the German philosopher immanuela bucket and continue to believe that one day will be one day based on the rules. But in the meantime, and to keep that prospects live, we must recognize, celebrate and fight for the defense of our joint achievements.

As an American government You are reading to colonize MarsHe gives up all responsibilities to ensure the constant abode of our warming. How Trump Inlet Your Own Memi Coin, he Boys Global Agreements on Minimum corporation taxation. And as AI investment missiles, the streets of despair of the United States scales endemic drug addiction and poverty.

On all three accounts, Europe is ahead of us. The EU is a World leader In renewable energy, industrial efficiency and climate policy. It has developed a unique economy on a social market that limits excess uncultivated capitalism. High levels of internal solidarity cannot give everyone a home to live, but at least they give everyone a security network below which it will not fall.

True, the difficulties are abundant. Economic productivity is in the fallAs Europe falls well behind China and the US in the technological race. Europe cannot be defended milky. It depends on energy. Yet, as well as for the old state of Italian city city, all these seemingly insurmountable problems would be resolved with a single step: greater unity.

Has the EU used their gigantic but Fragmented capital marketsThis would have resources to invest in their economic and technological restart – and limit the impact of social media in foreign-owned as are the tictok on democracy. If European governments coordinate their defense consumption, they would be a little scared: EU member states spent € 326 mil (£ 270 mil) 2024. Compared to Russia € 145 billion (£ 121 mil) for 2025. If they talked to one voice, the EU would have the capacity, as recent agreements with Mercosur block of South America and Mexico Show, weave together offers that would not be only Europe, but the world a better place.

Acting together, European democracies would, for example, could discuss coordinated climate actions with China, not just to be afraid of the Chinese EV. We know that the lack of access to capital is an extraordinary bottleneck that prevents countries in developing from involving green transition. Can a joint co-European financing plan help Dot Vietnam and Indonesia, Kenya and Peru, with European wind turbines and Chinese battery systems – at the same time green the planet and using European and Chinese surplus industrial capacity?

Europe could also protect, in the absence of the US, long-term investment in democracy, the rule of law and multilateralism. This would suppress the rejection of insisting democratic values ​​as a mere hypocrisy western self-enactor. Paradoxical as it can sound, make Europe that the strength in the world is the safest way of building a world that moves out of great energy competition.

Such aspirations are not a matter of left or right, liberalism or populism. If this question is not to give up the national identity to a centralized brussels bureaucracy. They are, told, the thing you want to be an object, not just the subject of history.

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Take a giorgia melon attempt to become a Trump Whisperer. This is well intended, but it is a cunning servant that is how to judge the king to elude their wrath and win more crumbs from the table. Nationalism, melona’s own tradition, should be the exact opposite of the work.

Finally, the type of European civil or democratic nationalism is what should be encouraged if Europeans avoid turning to waiters for world strong ones descend to our cities to admire our beautiful past. We need to see something that visionary leaders on the European continent often weighed, but never achieved: pluralistic societies who coherently in the common European “nation”.

The European Nation does not have to be superstat. Instead, it would be based on an idea that has always avoided Italian city countries: the unification of what is truly important for preserving their lifestyle. But let us decide that this should be in energy security, technology or foreign policy, and whether we know that this happens through the deepening of the EU or through something new, nothing will be changed until we encourage healthy patriotism. If the recent EU experience has learned us, it is that common people do not appear from the common currency. We have created the European currency. Now we have to create a European people.

This can sound unrealistic. But is that more than aspiration for Mars colonization? The construction of a new nation called Europe could be our marine adventure and our best bet against despair and self-confidence, fear and pessimism, oligarchy and autocracy.

2025-02-04 07:00:00

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