Dublin -based TinesA startup focusing on AI-powered workflows, today has announced $ 120.7 million in Series C Financing, to accelerate product innovation and ensure enterprise-grade protection to $ 1 billion to $ 1 billion.
This round was led by Goldman Shock options with the participation of new investor Softbank Vision Fund 2 and Accel, Felicis, Croudstrics Falcon Fund and additions to the Goldman Shoot options. Following the financing of May 48.3 million of the 2024 Series B extension, the total capital raised by Tine brings $ 262 million to $ 262 million.
“IT and Protection teams face a catastrophe of manual and exhausting work and often reduce them instead of picked up the traditional tidal automation tools instead of lifting them“Tines say CEO HingeThe “Their AI, data and systems are connected to people with the need to do the best, the opportunity in front of us in Tines is to become a public orcheter of modern, protected work flows across the enterprise. This new round will help us realize that opportunity.“
Founded in 2018 by Eion Hynchi and Thomas Kinsella, the Tines teams give them the most mission-critical and sophisticated work-flowing power to create, run and monitor.
Global companies, including coins, databrix, gitlab and Mars, use tine to protect their protection and IT operations, increase productivity and streamlining operations when alleviating risk.
According to the tains, the number of automatic activities in the platform is three times higher than last year, one billion jobs per week automatically exceed.
Tines recently launched Native AI Features and Workbench, a generator AI chat interface that enables users to ask, collect and analyze information, take real-time action across the application and determine the next steps.
“Generator AI is the next border of enterprise technology, running significant productivity throughout multiple business activities. As the scale concentrates on the creation of protected workflows, the tins will play an important role in supplying the underlying infrastructure needed to receive AIs extensively across the companies,“Said Alexander LipartManaging Director of Growth Equity on Goldman Shut Options. “We are extremely fascinated with the Tines Management Team and believe that they are unique to build a worldwide leader in Enterprise Automation.“
“Since the founding of it in 2018, Tines have demonstrated exceptional growth by focusing on building solutions to supply clear prices to customers and their developed needs,“Said Amit LubovskyInvestment Director of Softbank Investment Advisers. “We are interested in partnering with the Tines Team when they execute their view, stop the boundary of automation and bring the best-class workflow orchestration solution to the entire enterpriseThe “
Tines will use AI software and LLMs to accelerate the innovation of the product in this period to concentrate on to help to help them perform the tasks they need to perform the best skills and functioning, as well as privacy necessary to ensure enterprise-grade protection And need to facilitate consent protection.